Joint Coordinators and Board Consultative Session

Joint Coordinators and Board Consultative Session

A joint CIB Board and Coordinators’ consultative session at the 121st CIB Board meeting on 19th & 20th October 2020 via Zoom. 

A Programme Committee Report, delivered by PC Chair Kalle Kähkönen, summarized initiatives over the past 4 months including the development of a pilot project to index the recent W099/TG59 proceedings with Scopus.   This promoted discussion by Coordinators about the possibilities of Commission having a “publications coordinator” and a “web content manager”.  Discussions around collaborative hackathons and engaging students and early career researchers in Commission work entailed.   Eight Working Commissions provided the Board with updates on their recent activities and plans for 2021.  

Board VP, Mark Hastak provided an overview of the initial work of CIB’s third-party funding subcommittee.  Students and the success of the World Building Congress 2022 are viewed as third-party funding priorities.  Mark encouraged Coordinators to develop ideas they have seen work with third-party funders

Ron Wakefield gave an overview of the overall WBC planning strategy as being a likely hybrid type of conference and of the upcoming initial scientific committee meeting.  Coordinators are encouraged to contact Ron or Mike Behm if they are not yet on the WBC Scientific Committee.

President Keith Hampson and CEO Don Ward closed the meeting.  Keith shared his vision for WBC 2022 as being the best and including more students in the programme than ever before.   Keith’s reflection on the meeting was that the Working Commission are revitalizing and capitalising on new ways of working learned during the Covid period. 

Don remarked on his sentiments about the rich work being completed within the Commissions and encouraged all Commission to begin putting together short news blogs for the website.  CIB’s goal is for the website to be a place where members go a couple times per week for interesting updates.  Don also gave his thanks to the Coordinators who have emailed him and Debbie Gray with compliments on the new website.