
Keith Roberts, Roberts Consulting, UK

Objectives and Scopes

The Objective of the Commission are:

  • to maintain and grow the international network of professionals who have an active interest in the performance of roofing materials and systems
  • to promote the exchange of ideas and findings of relevant research.

Current Work Programme

To compile a series of Reports, recording the findings of meetings and discussions

W83 Meeting Notes 14 September

Planned Output

Publication of a Research Roadmap on Roofing Materials and Systems

Internal Structure

The Commission has the following internal Task Groups Groups:

  • TG A: In service performance of TPO single ply membranes. Chair(s) to be appointed
  • TG B: Improving resilience of roofs to wind damage. Chair(s) to be appointed
  • TG C: Second Generation Sustainable Roofing. Chair: Mr. Thomas Hutchinson, Hutchinson Design Group, USA

External Relations

Links with RCI (formerly Roofing Consultants Institute) and IFD (International Federation of Roof Workers)


Members of this Working Commission have to be either a Representative of a CIB Member Organization or an Individual CIB Member, or they have to be appointed as Commission Member by RILEM.


W083 is a joint Commission of CIB and RILEM – the Réunion Internationale des Laboratoires d’Essais et de Recherche sur les Matériaux et les Constructions. The Commission was established in 1983.
