CIB webinar – To present two funding opportunities 20th April 2023

CIB’s Third-Party Funding task group is holding a webinar on April 20th to share two funding opportunities for members. The webinar will be held twice to enable attendance in as many time zones as possible, at 08:00 and 18:00 EST (GMT-5). More information is provided below, along with how to register and to receive the meeting link.


CIB’s Third-Party Funding task group chaired by CIB Board member Michael Lacasse of the NRC in Canada aims to identify research funding opportunities to support CIB and add value for our members. We focus on opportunities which require a global or trans-continental research team of the kind which only CIB can bring together.

In the last 6 months we have carried out a review of private charitable Foundations around the world, and piloted an approach with financial institutions. This activity has led us to identify two specific opportunities broadly in the field of decarbonisation, as well as other leads to develop, and we would like to share these opportunities with members to seek expressions of interest.

Agenda for the webinar
  1. Introduction to CIB’s third-party funding strategy – Don Ward, CIB chief executive
  2. NRC Canada: “Seeking collaborators from around the globe to participate in a new research platform focused on de-carbonizing the construction industry at scale”, see Low-carbon assets through life cycle assessment initiative – National Research Council Canada. Presentred by Michael Lacasse, CRC/NRC, CIB Board member.
  3. Laudes Foundation, Netherlands (download file): Addressing their specific ambition to enable an inclusive and regenerative urban built environment that prioritises decarbonisation and inspires healthy living and working spaces. CIB members may be well placed in the category of “Scaling research and innovation – Enable adoption, monitoring, and evaluation of proposed tools, models, and solutions”. Presented by Deborah Pullen, CIB consultant.
  4. Next steps: Process for expressions of interest and further information (information required: Name/email/affiliation; CIB membership category; relevant research interests/expertise).
Registration and further information

To register for the webinar please click the button and select one of the two sessions.

For further information please contact CIB chief executive Don Ward in the first instance.