Buildings and Cities: “Why it Matters”. Watch and rate the videos

Buildings and Cities: “Why it Matters”. Watch and rate the videos

CIB Encouraged journal Buildings and Cities is holding an international challenge for PhD candidates working on a built environment topic to explain the significance of their research in a 2 minute video. It’s called “Why it Matters”. The challenge for each PhD candidate is that their video should explain clearly, succinctly and creatively why their research matters: how it fits into the wider context and might contribute to society. It should be aimed at the general public (i.e. accessible and in plain language, etc).

CIB members are cordially invited to watch and rate the videos. This is an excellent opportunity to see a snapshot of emerging research.It’s also a celebration of the diversity of research across our sector. There are 49 videos @ 2 minutes each, so it would take approximately 98 minutes to view all of them.

There is a People’s Vote – CIB members (and the public) are encouraged to cast their vote for outstanding videos, as well as kudos there are cash prizes involved. THE CLOSING DATE FOR VOTES IS 14 NOVEMBER.

Gallery of videos and voting page: 

Background information (rules for entrants, etc):