2023 CIBSE Technical Symposium: Call for Abstracts 3 October

2023 CIBSE Technical Symposium: Call for Abstracts 3 October

Delivering Sustainable, Safe and Healthy Buildings for a net zero future. The thirteenth annual CIBSE Technical Symposium encourages participation by both young and experienced industry practitioners, researchers and building users to share experiences and develop networks. We invite 250 word abstracts for papers and presentations based on recent or current project work, research or application, as well as those that examine actual or potential impacts of our work on the built environment.

We are inviting papers that consider how to achieve the low carbon transformation in our existing stock whilst delivering buildings that are safe to occupy.

  • How will the increasing use of digital technologies and modern methods of constriction across the whole of the built environment enable net zero transformation?
  • Are there new opportunities to transform our building stock for a low carbon future? 
  • How can meeting the low carbon targets help to address energy supply and cost constraints?

The 2023 Call for Abstracts is now open until Monday 3 October 2022.

The Symposium Steering Committee will then review the proposals and we will invite successful proposers to prepare full papers for early January.

All papers are peer reviewed and reviewers will provide feedback to authors, who are asked to consider the reviews and amend their paper accordingly. This process will continue through to the end of March.