XVI DBMC Call for Papers  Extended to Feb 2023                    

XVI DBMC Call for Papers  Extended to Feb 2023                    

Abstract submission extended to February 2023

XVI DBMC – Presentation

The XVI DBMC is committed to the promotion of scientific insight and technological innovation in the fields of civil engineering to help the sustainability of our society. To this purpose, the focus of this conference is put on the sustainability and the related concepts, methods and techniques from civil engineering community.

The main themes of this DBMC edition include, but not limited to, the innovative materials, the long-term performance and durability, the climate change and resilience, the intelligent planning and design in construction, and the life cycle engineering. The innovative materials involve the high performance, eco-green, multi-functional and smart materials. The long-term performance and durability comprise the actions and mechanisms, the testing and modeling, the design and assessment, the practice and specifications, and the historical heritages and monuments. The climate change and resilience include the climate loads, building resilience, urban heat island effects, overheating, nature- based solutions and green roofs. The intelligent construction refers to the construction automation and robotics (including 3D printing), and the numerical infrastructure and intelligent design. The life cycle engineering covers the life cycle costing and methods, the recycling of wastes, and the carbon reduction and neutralization. In addition, special talks will be arranged for the ongoing or recent mega-projects in China and abroad.

In this context, we extend our warm invitation to you to join this forum of high-quality dissemination and exchange. Please note the submission dates for abstracts and full papers. and refer to author guidelines to prepare your submissions. We look forwards to your contribution to this marvelous event, and do not hesitate to contact us should you have further queries or suggestions to the organization. Your words will be more than welcome.


XVI DBMC – Important Dates  

First call for paper           July 30, 2022

Abstract submission       extended to February, 2023

Abstract acceptance       until February 28, 2023

Full paper submission     until April 15, 2023

Full paper acceptance    until May 31, 2023

Early-bird registration    January 1, 2023 to June 30, 2023

Regular registration        from July 1, 2023

XVI DBMC – Invited Lectures  

Lecture-1: Understanding the Durability of Blended Cements particularly LC3 Systems

Speaker: Karen Scrivener, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland

Lecture-2: Adopting Performance Specifications for Assessing Concrete Durability and Enabling Use of Innovative Concretes

Speaker: R. Douglas Hooton, University of Toronto, Canada

Lecture-3: Building Resilience to the Effects of Climate Change

Speaker: Michael A. Lacasse, National Research Council, Canada

Lecture-4: Durability of Concrete Structures: Couplings between Mechanical and Physico-chemical Behaviors

Speaker: Jean-Michel Torrenti, University Gustave Eiffel, France

Lecture-5: Ensuring Value for Money for Large and Complex Construction Projects: The Value Management Approach

Speaker: Geoffrey (Qiping) Shen, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China

Lecture-6: Sustainable and Smart Building Materials for Digital Concrete Technologies

Speaker: Viktor Mechtcherine, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany

Lecture-7: Concrete-filled Steel Tubular Hybrid Structures in Severe Conditions: Research, Application and Standard

Speaker: Lin-Hai Han, Guangxi University/Tsinghua University, China

XVI DBMC Organizing Committee
XVI DBMC Scientific Committee