CIB W122 Public Private Partnerships Webinar Update

CIB W122 Public Private Partnerships Webinar Update

Governments around the world are planning for recovery from the COVID –119 pandemic by accelerating massive infrastructure investments to stimulate their economies. The investment trend is further strengthened by the necessity to move to a post-carbon productive system, as well as to adapt to the competitive challenges of internationalising business ventures. The time is ripe to take stock of our multi-decade experience in Public-Private Partnership (PPP) to consider how governments can leverage private finance to help realise these opportunities. It is increasingly recognised that private finance is not a panacea for insufficient government funding capacity, but when properly utilised can be a highly successful and efficient procurement tool delivering value to multiple stakeholders.

CIB W122 on PPP and University of Technology Sydney in Australia co-organised a PPP webinar on 17 June 2021. The webinar brought together several international PPP researchers. The aim of the webinar was to identify specific implementation issues that potentially impact PPPs and the ability of government to leverage private finance in the post-COVID economy, explore solutions and develop an action plan for future acceleration in the use of PPPs.