Accelerating Smart City and Sustainable Environment Development through PPP

Accelerating Smart City and Sustainable Environment Development through Public Private Partnership (PPP) webinar arranged by CIB W122 in association with Leeds Beckett University

Here is the recording of the seminar held on 11th October 2023

Wednesday 11th October, 12.00 – 14.00 (UK time)

Event summary

Background and Objectives:

Public private partnership (PPP) remains a valuable option to deliver public sector infrastructure, facilities and services in certain scenarios. The increasingly urgent needs for smart cities and sustainable development means that these cannot be delivered through the public sector purse alone. The private sector through its financial and management acumen can make major contributions, that sometimes even make the difference between successful and unsuccessful projects. For example, the private sector can work with the public sector, to provide more favourable long-term term -financing options and to secure such financing in a much quicker timeframe, e.g., this can help the UK government to address a current imperative, in securing much needed finance to deal with Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) problems in School buildings.

The webinar aimed to address PPP at an international level, by expanding the established global forum, to facilitate exchange and synthesis of research identifying new and emerging international protocols and practices in PPP in facilities and infrastructure development. The webinar was led by four internationally renowned speakers followed by webinar participant discussions on how PPP can be used to address some of known gaps in infrastructure funding and delivery.

Event format

Welcome and Introduction: Professor Akintola Akintoye

70th Anniversary of CIB Presentation: Don Ward, CEO of CIB

Lead Talks: 4 Talks, on diverse themes, the first two being based on recent research, the first being more generally applicable, the second being on a specific topic, the third being more conceptual, while the fourth was a real life case study

Presentation Chair: Mohan Kumaraswamy

Each Lead Speaker spoke for 10-15 minutes after which there was a moderated Q & A and panel discussion session.

  • Professor Albert Chan, Hong Kong Polytechnic University – on: ‘An Integrated Optimised approach to Risk Assessment in PPPs – The potency of Systems Thinking
  • Professor Baabak Ashuri, Georgia Institute of Technology – on: ‘ PPP (P3) Business Models for enhancing Broadband Initiatives’
  • Professor Ashwin Mahalingam, Indian Institute of Technology Madras – on: ‘SUSTAINABILITY AND PPPs – 3 Key Issues: Sustainability in PPPs; PPPs for Sustainability; Sustainability of PPPs’
  • Dr Leonardo Grillo, Gestores Prisionais Associados – on: ‘- PPP in the Prison System; Case Study in Brazil

Q & A Facilitator: Prof. Mohan Kumaraswamy Panel Discussion Facilitator: Prof. Akintola Akintoye Question Feeders from MS Team Chat: Liz Schofield, Lee Donna -for Webinar support, Leeds Beckett University The Q & A session generated many interesting questions, answers from relevant speakers and useful inputs from other speakers and facilitators. With the ensuing interest and momentum, the Q & A session continued into the panel discussion.

Wrap up / Closing: Professor Akintola Akintoye

Note: 135 persons registered from at least 23 countries. 75 of them joined the webinar.

CIB W122 Coordinators:

  • Professor Mohan Kumaraswamy (University of Hong Kong)
  • Professor Akintola Akintoye (Leeds Beckett University, UK)
  • Professor Giovanni C. Migliaccio (University of Washington)


Public private partnership (PPP) remains a valuable option to deliver public sector infrastructure, facilities and services in certain scenarios. The increasingly urgent needs for smart cities and sustainable development means that these cannot be delivered through the public sector purse alone. The private sector through its financial and management acumen can make major contributions, that sometimes even make the difference between successful and unsuccessful projects.

For example, the private sector can work with the public sector, to provide more favourably long term-term financing options and to secure such financing in a much quicker timeframe, e.g. this can help the UK government to address a current imperative, in securing much needed finance to deal with Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) problems in School buildings.

The webinar aims to address PPP at an international level, by expanding the established global forum, to facilitate exchange and synthesis of research identifying new and emerging international protocols and practices in PPP in facilities and infrastructure development. The webinar will be led by four internationally renowned speakers followed by webinar participant discussions on how PPP can be used to address some of known gaps in infrastructure funding and delivery.


Details of all the seminar speakers are available in the programme linked below – they include Albert Chan, Baabak Ashuri, Ashwin Mahalingam and Leonardo Grilo.

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