Welcome Members to CIB New Task Group TG97 Nature-based solutions for climate resilient buildings and communities

Welcome Members to CIB New Task Group TG97 Nature-based solutions for climate resilient buildings and communities

You’ll note that we are seeking members to join this CIB Task Group TG97.  What is CIB, what is a CIB task group and why ought you join this endeavour?

The CIB (Conseil international du bâtiment) represents the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (https://cibworld.org/).

The intent of the CIB is to provide a global network for international exchange and cooperation in building and construction research and innovation. This global network supports an improved building process and enhanced performance of the built environment.

The scope of CIB covers the technical, economic, environmental, organizational and other aspects through all stages of the built environment life cycle. As well, it addresses all steps in the process of basic and applied research, documentation and transfer of the research results, and the implementation and actual application of them.  The CIB dates back to the early 1950s and the UN ECE (Economic Commission for Europe) and more specifically, the ECE Housing Committee

CIB Task Groups have a focused scope and objective, and a defined lifetime (typically 3 years) and the life of a TG is, in principle, terminated on completion of its task.  However, Task Groups may provide the first step in developing a new technical activity within CIB and thus be the precursor to a new Working Commission (see list of CIB Task Groups and Working commissions: https://cibworld.org/commissions/)

Why join?

The formation of TG97 preview unique opportunity for researchers around the global to exchange their ideas, perhaps support project initiatives undertaken by others within the group, and collectively work towards the development of knowledge that will, over time, permit building practitioners access to useful solutions that will help mitigate the effects of climate change on buildings and communities in the future.

The scope and proposed tasks for TG97 are attached – do have a look – your feedback would be most welcome. Contact Debbie Gray at [email protected] to sign up today!

Please note that participation and costs of attending TG activities is on a self-funded basis.

CIB TG97 Coordinator Michael Lacasse