Fidelis Emuze, Central University of Technology, Free State, South Africa
John Smallwood, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa
Objectives and Scopes
The Commission focus on ‘boots on the ground’ and frontline managers, professionals, and workers as the people in construction. Despite the advancement in technology and industrial revolutions, onsite construction remains labour-intensive where the contributions of people have a significant influence on the project, organisation, and industry performance.
The Commission, which builds upon the work and antecedent of TG59, involve scholars and practitioner identifying as employers (public and private), contractors and developers, regulators (government or NGOs), and all categories of people in construction operations (craft, technical, professional, and managerial workers), and researchers in both developed and developing countries. The Commission fosters dialogue and collaboration among the people in construction (PIC). The work of the Commission thus brings together researchers:
- Who seeks to advance the performance and image of the industry with improved well-being and life of people engaged in various activities on construction sites.
- Who aims to improve the lives of people who work on construction sites.
Against this background, the objectives of the Commission include:
- to create a network of members who are interested and involved in research into work (employment), people and social issues in construction.
- to bring scholars from outside the construction disciplines working on people issues into the network.
- to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas on social and people issues in construction concerning: Sustainable Development Goals (3 Health and Well-being, 4 Quality Education, 5 Gender Equality, 8 Decent Work & Economic Growth, 9 Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure, 10 Reduced Inequalities, 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities) in construction; cyber technologies for the fourth Industrial revolution (4IR) (Artificial Intelligence [AI], Quantum Computing, Internet of Things [IoTs], Big Data, Blockchain, Cloud) in construction; physical technologies for 4IR (3-D printing, Robotics, New Materials) in construction; health disruptions in the form of pandemics and epidemics (inequalities, job security, revised safe work procedures [SWPs]) in construction; ethical reasoning in construction.
- to identify critical issues for future research and possible funding sources.
- to disseminate research findings to a broader group of stakeholders working in the field.
- Annual International Conference and Meetings
- Working Commission Webinars with open invitations to CIB members
Planned Output
- Working Commission sessions at the CIB World Building Congress.
- Annual Joint (with W099) International Conference Proceedings.
- Monographs on People in Construction best practices.
- Special Issues in CIB Encouraged Journals.
The members of this Working Commission must be either a Representative of a CIB Member Organization or an Individual CIB member. The Commission welcomes students to join. Please get in touch with to become a member of this Commission.