W116 Smart and Sustainable Built Environments

W116 Smart and Sustainable Built Environments

SASBE 2021 Abstracts Open: The SASBE Conference series have been organised by W116 members for many years. This year’s SASBE 2021 Conference is being hosted by TUDelft in the association with the Ecocity World Summit in Netherlands on the 27-29 September 2021. The conference will be presented in a hybrid format.

WBC2022 Conference Abstracts Open: W116 will be collaborating with other CIB groups in organising a number of sessions at the CIB’s World Congress in 2022. These sessions are still being developed, so if you have ideas / areas you would like to include, please contact me.  The Conference is planned for 27-30 June 2022 and the call for abstracts Deadline is 30 June 2021. For more information, click here.

CIB International Conference on Smart Built Environment,Dubai Campus: The International Conference on Smart Built Environment in a hybrid format is being planned for 14-16 December 2021. Abstract Submission Deadline Information here.

SASBE Journal: If you are looking for a journal to publish in, please start with our journal Smart and Sustainable Built Environments. For more information click here