W099 & W123 Annual International Conference: Full Paper Submission Deadline Extended – 30 April 2021

W099 & W123 Annual International Conference: Full Paper Submission Deadline Extended – 30 April 2021

Conference Date: 8-10 September 2021

CIB W099 & W123 Annual International Conference : 8th – 10th September 2021

In response to several requests, the final deadline of paper submission for the CIB W099 & W123 Annual International Conference has been extended until 30 April 2021 23:59:59 BST.

If you haven’t submitted your full paper yet, please do so before the new deadline expires.

The submission link or website

The Organising Committee

W099 & W123 International Conference 2021

Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland, UK

2020 saw the Glasgow conference replaced with an online webinar due to the COVID 19 pandemic.  For 2021, we propose a blended conference, following on from the planned ARCOM conference, here at Glasgow Caledonian University, September 8th –10th 2021.  The success of the 2020 web-conference has prompted us to utilise the blended format of ‘face-to-face’ or ‘virtual’ conference attendance.  We will also have a back-up plan, if the current restrictions are still in place, to be fully virtual, but with a bigger and better web-conference.

Many conference organisers are preparing for a ‘lessons learnt’ theme over the next 12 months and we expect to receive plenty of research papers on such matters.  However, the 2021 theme will be focused on ‘Changes and innovations for improved wellbeing’ and is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 3 and 9. This draws on the very successful ‘Digital Solutions’ theme that was voted most enjoyable at the 2020 web-conference and is also designed to encourage papers on creative and novel approaches in a time that we now call the ‘new normal’.  However, W099 and W123 (formerly TG59) conferences are always inclusive and papers on our usual topics are also welcomed.

Submission of Abstracts and Keywords

We would like to remind you that the deadline for the Full Paper Submission (16th April 2021) is quickly approaching.

If you haven’t submitted your full paper yet, please do so before next weeks deadline.

The submission link is: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=w099tg592021

Author submission details and keywords can be found on our conference website: https://www.w099tg592020.com/call-for-papers.html

Expressions of interest for 2023

The members of W099 and W123 (formerly TG59) request expressions of interest from member institutions who would like to host the annual conference in 2023. Conference numbers are usually over 100 delegates, even with the current pandemic restrictions, and it is anticipated that a blended conference approach will increase this number. Conference themes should reflect both working group aims as laid out in their respective web pages here.


Please address expressions of interest to Professor Billy Hare: [email protected]