Presentation (Download)
- Sten Gromark, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
- Katrin Paadam, Tallinn Technical University, Estonia
Objectives and Scopes
The Commission is a network platform in support of the development and strengthening of international and interdisciplinary cooperation as related to residential research in support of the development and presentation of new conceptual perspectives and appropriate theories and methodologies. The network is to include appropriate representatives of researchers, academics, policy makers and practitioners and is to bring together expertise from various relevant areas, including urban and residential sociology, architectural design, economics and business, facilities management, construction and environmental sustainability.
Current Work Programme
The Commission’s work programme is organized in four working groups that focus on:
- WG1 – Theoretical and methodological approaches to housing qualities
- WG2 – Transformation processes
- WG3 – Future major challenges
- WG4 – Residential innovations and inventions
Planned Output
- 2020: book based on the Proceedings of the 2015 conference
- Publication by Commission Members of scientific papers in journals and conferences
- Joint publication by Commission Members of books and reports
- Workshops and seminars that facilitate exchange and collaboration between researchers, academics, policy makers and practitioners
- Establishment of an International W069 Student Chapter
- Application for EU funding for a collaborative research project
- Publication of a Research Roadmap on Residential Studies
Members of this Working Commission have to be either a Representative of a CIB Member Organisation or an Individual CIB Member.