
  • Lin Wang, NRC, Canada
  • Michael Laccase, NRC, Canada

Objectives and Scopes:

The Commission’s objectives are:

  • to explore the phenomena of heat, moisture, air and salts transfer in buildings, components and materials
  • to formulate laws governing the physics involved
  • to define, measure and discuss the hygrothermal properties of materials and building components
  • to explore the ventilation and hygrothermal behavior of buildings
  • to apply the acquired knowledge to the design, execution and maintenance of buildings
  • to transfer research information to practice

Current Work Programme:

There will be annual Commission Meetings in support of information dissemination. Each such meeting will result in a meeting report.

Planned Output:

  • 2019: Publication of a Research Roadmap on Heat and Moisture Transfer in Buildings

External Relations:

W040 has established Liaisons with:

  • IEA – International Energy Agency
  • ISO/TC 163/SC 2 – Thermal Insulation and Calculation Methods.
  • CIB W040 encourages the Journal of Building Physics


Members of this Working Commission have to be either a Representative of a CIB Member Organization or an Individual CIB Member. The Membership of persons who do not participate at two successive Commission Meetings will in principle be terminated.