CIB has 20 Student Chapters, of which 14 are known to be active in 2023. CIB Student Chapter at University of Pretoria, Nelson Mandela University, and University of Newcastle are the new members of this network. These three CIB Student Chapters were established in June 2023. For more details on the activities of any of CIB Student Chapters, please click on the relevant link below.
If any Student Chapters need to update their list of Committee members or any other information about their Chapter, please notify CIB Programme Manager
To confirm interest in establishing a NEW Student Chapter, please click here
As a full CIB member, the School of Built Environment (SOBE), Curtin University together with the Sustainable Built Environment National Research Centre (SBEnrc) has set up Curtin CIB Student Chapter.
The Chapter aims to engage with the cutting-edge research and development in CIB Commissions and Task Groups, and to network with other CIB Student Chapters across the Asia-Pacific region and globally. It is important to introduce CIB to the students as CIB is the world's foremost platform for international cooperation and information exchange in the area of building and construction research and innovation.
The Chapter’s programme include:
- Annual General Assembly meetings
- Annual Research Workshops
- Submission of Proposal for the Annual CIB Sebestyén Future Leaders Award
- 2017: Preparing and organising a Conference or International Convention during the CIB Board Meeting
Members of the CCSC will be the current undergraduate and postgraduate students of Curtin University.
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HKPolyU) is one of the biggest universities in Hong Kong in terms of provision of building and construction related graduates. The Department of Building and Real Estate (BRE) is one of the four academic departments within the Faculty of Construction and Land Use. The BRE has a high international profile and is a Full Member of CIB. There are currently 45 full-time academic staff members and 64 full-time and part-time research staff and research students. There are two Research Centres in the BRE, one is the Research Centre for Construction and Real Estate Economics (RCCREE) and the other is the Research Centre for Construction Management and Construction I.T (RCCMCIT).
The BRE offers PhD and MPhil degrees by research, three master degrees, four bachelor (honours) degrees, and a higher diploma programme. The department is committed to seeking opportunities and networks across the world for its postgraduate and undergraduate students to facilitate their research studies. It is also the aim of the department to expand considerably its research and scholarly activities, in order to consolidate and enhance its international reputation.
The CIB Student Chapter is under the leadership of the President, with the support of the Vice-President. The planning and development of the Student Chapter is being carried out by the CIB Student Chapter Committee, which is chaired by the President. Members of the Committee include: the Vice-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the IT Officer, the Chief Coordinator, the Membership Coordinator, the Programme Coordinator and the Editor. The election of committee members is on an annual basis. The Committee will have regular monthly meetings.
The objectives of the Student Chapter are:
- To encourage the development of the research interests of its members.
- To enhance and improve the research capabilities of the members.
- To provide a forum for disseminating and sharing of research skills and research findings.
- To facilitate joint research and academic exchange with the global research community.
The Work Programme is as follows:
- To develop and to maintain the HKPolyU Student Chapter of CIB web site at
- To organize workshops and seminars to disseminate research findings by invited speakers or members of the HKPolyU Student Chapter of CIB.
- To produce a newsletter for the CIB Student Chapter on a regular basis.
- To establish links with the other CIB Student Chapter both within China and at overseas.
The planned output is:
- To facilitate joint research activities and academic exchange between members of different CIB Student Chapters.
- To develop joint building and construction related research projects amongst members.
- To organize recreational activities to enhance the sense of community among Chapter members.
CIB Student Chapter membership is open to all postgraduate and undergraduate students of the Faculty of Construction and Land Use.
Members are expected:
- to have a strong interest in research in the area of building and construction, and
- to actively participate in the functions and events organized by the HKPolyU Student Chapter of CIB.
The University of Hong Kong (HKU) is the oldest and also the best university in Asia, Hong Kong. Faculty of Architecture in HKU is consisted by the department of Architecture, department of Real Estate and Construction as well as the Center of Urban Planning and Environmental Management. The main activity of the Faculty is training both professionals and researchers. Training activities include undergraduate, Master's and Ph.D programs in the fields of architecture design , urban design and planning, architecture history and conservation , building science, construction project management, real estate, etc. These fields basically focus on the research areas listed below:
- Theories and Methods of Architectural Education
- Sustainability and Built Environment
- Economic Aspect of Building
- Building Materials and Construction Technologies
- Building Performance and Maintenance
- Environmental Control and Services
- Environment and Ecology
- Architectural Design and Theory
- Basic Design and Visual Communication,
- History of Architecture
- Architectural Conservation
- Landscape Design and Planning
- Urban Studies and Planning
- Real Estate Finance and Economics
- Real Estate Price Index
- Construction Project Management
- Quantity Surveying
- Construct IT
The Department encourages interdisciplinary studies, exchange programs for students and staff in order to develop international co-operations for research and training with other research institutes, organizations and universities. It also supports organizations of exhibitions, symposiums and other events in cooperation with national and international bodies.
The Student Chapter at HKU Faculty of Architecture is led by a President who is responsible for disseminating CIB information to the other members and distributing information from the Student Chapter at The University of Hong Kong to other Student Chapters or to CIB in general. The Vice President will support the President and act as the President's representative on occasion when she/he is unable to attend. The President will seek advice from Honorary Advisor and organize the internal member structure of the student chapter in HKU.
The formal website for our CIB Student Chapter in HKU is
The objectives of the Student Chapter are:
- to encourage the development of research interests among its members and create awareness of research significance in construction
- to provide a forum for disseminating, sharing and exchanging research skills and experience within the Student Chapter and towards other CIB Student Chapters
- to improve the contact and benefits with other CIB Student Chapters and the global research community
- to facilitate and promote joint research and academic exchange with other CIB Student Chapters and the global research community.
The Work Programme is as follows:
- Create and organize a forum for discussion and internal exchanging of research findings and experiences. Organize internal meetings and activities to enhance the sense of community among the members.
- Organize workshops and seminars to disseminate and share research experience and findings by invited speakers / experts from Hong Kong , from mainland China, and international companies, universities and institutions.
- Establish contacts with other CIB Student Chapters by participating in or arranging international workshops, symposiums or other similar activities.
- Establish contacts with CIB commission and CIB member institutions.
- Develop and produce a newsletter for the Student Chapter on regular basis (at least once a year), and also be presented from the website of Student Chapter and CIB home page.
- Mapping of new research findings and experiences within the research area of the Student Chapter.
- Establish partnerships with other CIB Student Chapters for the initiation of possible sister CIB Student Chapter in other countries to develop closer research linkages.
- Broaden CIB's influence in mainland China through our wide contact network with the universities in China. We could also encourage and help them to establish student chapters in their universities.
The Student Chapter at HKU Faculty of Architecture pursues to follow the planned program and further developed what it has done already. It involves minutes of meeting on deliverables, publication of a newsletter at least once a year, contacts established with at least five other CIB Student Chapters and regular workshop or seminar within the Faculty of Architecture, HKU. In accordance with the work program, the Student Chapter also organizes joint research activities and conferences with sister Student Chapters and other CIB Student Chapters.
The Architecture Faculty is a Full Member of CIB. The joint CIB Student Chapter at the Faculty of Architecture is open to all postgraduate and undergraduate students of the Faculty. It is expected that members will:
- have a strong interest in research and innovation in the areas of building processes and built environment design, and
- actively participate in the functions and events organized by CIB Student Chapter.
The Student Chapter has its own established membership rules that comply with the CIB's Mission Statement on set out in the CIB Constitution.
The University of Huddersfield is an associate member of CIB located in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, England. The proposed student chapter will be a university-based student chapter at the School of Art, Design, and Architecture of the university.
Objectives of the chapter will be;
- Encourage students who will be the future leaders of building research and innovation, with current leading building researches
- Provide a platform to exchange knowledge, research skills, and experience within the chapter and towards other local and international research communities
- Introduce students to the advantages of CIB membership in their future professional, research, and innovation careers
- Take-part and conduct workshops, seminar, and symposia to promote research interests of the students
These objectives are developed to attract sufficient members to ensure the critical mass and to maintain the going concern of the chapter. Also, adequate promotion and advertising will be carried out by the respective officer to make sure the adequate inflow of members. The chapter is potentially beginning with 8 members and they are presently all Doctoral student at the University of Huddersfield. However, on the success of opening this chapter we wish to publicise the chapter and get more students from both undergraduate and master levels to join.
Programme and Output
The CIB student chapter’s activities including both national and international will be planned in order to support the actions related to its research projects. Those activities will be devised, especially, considering potential links with CIB Commissions in order to foster collaboration and exchange of knowledge between Student Chapters and the expertise of members of those Commissions. One of the main focus of this participations will be CIB events, including the various commission meetings, workshops, seminars, symposia and conferences.
Research outputs and publications developed within the CIB student chapter and by its members will be disseminated in the chapter’s website and other available medias. Once a year, the CIB student chapter of University of Huddersfield, will produce a newsletter or similar vehicle for communication with its membership and externally. The CIB General Secretariat will facilitate the external dissemination of such a newsletter.
This chapter will be open only to the postgraduate and undergraduate students of the University of Huddersfield, who have interests in research and innovation in the built-environment related subjects.
The School of the Built Environment and Architecture (BEA) is one of the largest of its kind in the UK. It is centrally located at the heart of London, UK. It brings together academic staff with expertise in Architecture, Architectural Engineering and Technology; Civil Engineering and Building Services Engineering; Construction Management and Economics; Project Management; Construction Technology; Environmental Technologies; Acoustics; Sustainable Futures and Development; Real and Estate and Property; and Health & the Built Environment; allowing it to tackle a wide range of issues associated with the built and human environments. We take a practical approach; professionally accredited and connected to industry. We offer some of London's best courses in engineering for cities, surveying, construction, architecture and design. The breadth and quality of our research and enterprise activities is widely acknowledged. Our applied research tackles real-world issues. We are the top modern university in London, UK, for world-leading and internationally excellent research and Grade Point Average in General Engineering (which includes The Built Environment and Architecture research). The School considers research to be an essential activity in the development of both undergraduate and postgraduate teaching. The School maintains an appropriate and distinct range of research activity with a major feature being partnerships with industry, commerce and other academic institutions in the UK and overseas. It is firmly committed to the concept of “the environment as a multidisciplinary subject”; the style and shape of the research activities reflect this theme. Research activities in the School cover a wide range of built and natural environment areas but focus on four research themes: Construction Management, Economics and Integrated Delivery; Engineering and Building Services; Architecture and Design; Sustainability and Resilient Infrastructure and Communities. The school offers a host of postgraduate research programmes, including MPhil and Ph.D. There are circa 30 registered research students. The School also maintains strong research links with many research institutions, including, Arizona State University, University of Cape town - South Africa; Hong Kong University, and Royal Melbourne University, Australia.
Dean of The School of the Built Environment & Architecture
London South Bank University
103 Borough Road, London SE1 0AA, England, UK
Tel: +44 (0)20 7815 8302
Mob: +44(0)7852182667
Fax:+44(0)20 7815 6134
The Student Chapters objectives are: • to encourage the development of the research interests of its members • to encourage and enhance communication and exchange of research and academic work among its members. • to encourage and provide opportunities for networking among research students and to develop research leaders • to facilitate and promote joint research and academic exchange with other national and international CIB Student Chapters and the global research community. We take a practical approach; professionally accredited and connected to industry. We offer some of London's best courses in engineering for cities, surveying, construction, architecture and design. The breadth and quality of our research and enterprise activities is widely acknowledged. Our applied research tackles real-world issues. We are the top modern university in London, UK, for world-leading and internationally excellent research and Grade Point Average in General Engineering (which includes The Built Environment and Architecture research).
The chapter’s programme aims to:
- Provide targeted forums for disseminating and sharing of research skills and research findings for the benefits of its members
- Produce a newsletter/a vehicle for the CIB Student Chapter on a regular basis (at least two per year).
- Establish and facilitate joint research activities between members of different CIB Student Chapters in the UK and overseas.
- Support CIB events by encouraging student members to attend and to submit research papers for presentation and publication at such events
- Actively encourage other CIB member institutes to establish their own CIB Endorsed Chapter.
The CIB Student Chapter in the School of the Built Environment and Architecture, London South Bank University, UK, will be open to all postgraduate and research students. Members are expected: • to have a strong interest in research and innovation in the built and natural environment, and • to actively participate in the functions and events organised by the Student Chapter. The proposed CIB Student Chapter will have its own clearly established Membership rules. The rules will comply with the CIB’s Mission Statement as set out in the CIB constitution.
The organisation structure consists of President, Vice President (General), Vice President (Finance), Vice President (Administration), Outreach Coordinator, and Academic Coordinator. The positions will be filled and confirmed annually by an election, and the MCSC Academic Coordinator & Advisor will be appointed annually.
The MCSE Academic Coordinator & Advisor is a non-student member of the organisation, with all rights and privileges therein, except for the right to vote or hold office. All student members will have an equally weighted vote in electing officers and all other organisation decisions.
The organisation structure consists of President, Vice President (General), Vice President (Finance), Vice President (Administration), Outreach Coordinator, and Academic Coordinator. The positions will be filled and confirmed annually by an election, and the MCSC Academic Coordinator & Advisor will be appointed annually.
As a full CIB member, the School of Built Environment (SBE), Massey University aims to set up a Massey CIB Student Chapter (MCSC) for postgraduate and undergraduate students; (a) to engage with the cutting-edge research and development in CIB Commissions and Task Groups, and (b) to network with the other CIB Student Chapters across the Asia-Pacific region and globally. It is important to introduce CIB to the students as CIB is the world's foremost platform for international cooperation and information exchange in the area of building and construction research and innovation.
We have proposed the following key events for 2020. Dates to be confirmed.
- Inaugural General Assembly Meeting
- Research Workshop 1
- Research Workshop 2
- Research Workshop 3
- Social Activity
Members of the MCSC will be the current undergraduate and postgraduate students of Massey University. Membership and participation will be free from discrimination on the basis of race, religion, colour, sex, age, national origin or ancestry, genetic information, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability or status as a veteran.
Together with the departments of City and Regional Planning and Industrial Design, the Department of Architecture is one of the three departments of the Faculty of Architecture. The main activities of the METU Department of Architecture are training facilities and scientific researches. Training activities include undergraduate, Master's and Ph.D programs in the fields of architecture, building science, history of architecture and conservation science. These fields basically focus on the research areas listed below:
- Theories and Methods of Architectural Education
- Economic Aspect of Building
- Basic Design and Visual Communication
- Architectural Design and Theory
- Building Materials and Construction Technologies
- Construction and Detailing
- Structural Design
- Efficiency and Sustainability
- Construction Management
- Environmental Control and Services
- Environment and Ecology
- Building Performance and Maintenance
- Building Acoustics
- History of Architecture
- Architectural Conservation
- Landscape Design and Planning
- Urban Studies and Planning
- Professional Practice
Faculty of Architecture has a Documentation Center (DOME), including an extensive Slide Archive. The Faculty also has well equipped CAD and 3D studios with printing, plotting and scanning functions and GIS workstation. There are two audio-visual rooms equipped with video, VCD, DVD and PC display facilities. Building Materials Conservation Laboratory of our Faculty serves as a teaching and research unit in charge of materials studies for the conservation of cultural heritage. Photogrammetry Center , W ood and Metal Workshops , printing and photography studios give service to a great variety of production in the Faculty. Solar House built by students is a laboratory for research in energy and environmental control.
The Department encourages interdisciplinary studies, exchange programs for students and staff in order to develop international co-operations for research and training with other research institutes, organizations and universities. It also supports organizations of exhibitions, symposiums and other events in cooperation with national and international bodies.
The objectives of the Student Chapter are:
- to encourage the development of research interests among its members and create awareness of research significance in construction
- to provide a forum for disseminating, sharing and exchanging research skills and experience within the Student Chapter and towards other CIB Student Chapters
- to improve the contact and benefits with other CIB Student Chapters and the global research community
- to facilitate and promote joint research and academic exchange with other CIB Student Chapters and the global research community.
The Work Programme is as follows:
- Create and organize a forum for discussion and internal exchanging of research findings and experiences. Organize internal meetings and activities to enhance the sense of community among the members.
- Organize workshops and seminars to disseminate and share research experience and findings by invited speakers / experts from METU, from European, national and international companies, universities and institutions.
- Establish contacts with other CIB Student Chapters by participating in or arranging international workshops, symposiums or other similar activities.
- Establish contacts with CIB commission and CIB member institutions.
- Develop and produce a newsletter for the Student Chapter on regular basis (at least once a year), and also be presented from the website of Student Chapter and CIB home page.
- Mapping of new research findings and experiences within the research area of the Student Chapter.
- Establish partnerships with other CIB Student Chapters for the initiation of possible sister CIB Student Chapter in other countries to develop closer research linkages.
The Student Chapter at METU Department of Architecture pursues to follow the planned program. It involves minutes of meeting on deliverables, publication of a newsletter at least once a year, contacts established with at least five other CIB Student Chapters and presentation of a proposal for an invitation to a workshop or seminar that is given at METU Department of Architecture, Turkey. In accordance with the work program, the Student Chapter also organizes joint research activities with sister Student Chapters and other CIB Student Chapters.
The Department is an active member of European Association of Architectural Education (EAAE) and an associate member of International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB). It also participates in some international programs. These are Erasmus Program, Student Exchange Program and European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) which provides a way of measuring and comparing learning achievements, and transferring them from one institution to another. In addition, by means of biletaral agreements, exchange of students and academic staff has been provided between the partner institutions.
The CIB Student Chapter at the METU Department of Architecture is open to all postgraduate and research students of the Department. It is expected that members will:
- have a strong interest in research and innovation in the areas of building design and built environment, and
- actively participate in the functions and events organized by CIB Student Chapter
The Student Chapter has its own established membership rules that comply with the CIB's Mission Statement on set out in the CIB Constitution.
At its meeting of June 2003 in Paris, CIB Programme Committee approved the application by students of the Architecture, Built environment and Construction engineering Department ( at the Polytechnic of Milan and granted them the status of "CIB Endorsed Student Chapter".
The Department's mission is to respond responsibly, scientifically and creatively to the challenges affecting the entire construction, architecture and built environment sector, providing operators with advanced knowledge and technical skills, developed in an international context, to understand all the problems and solve them, transforming them into opportunities for growth and innovation. Its main activities are scientific research and postgraduate training in the fields of
- Innovative design for architecture, spaces and services: health, education, inclusion, safety and emergency
- Technological and Digital transformation for built environment and construction industry
- Advanced materials and components, cleantech, innovative manufacturing technology for buildings and built environment
- Risks mitigation strategies for built environment
- History, technology and management of cultural heritage and landscape
- Cooperation, R&D and Technology Transfer for emerging countries (Africa)
The researchers at DABC are also responsible for undergraduate educational programs, masters and several courses. The divisions are to a large extent multidisciplinary. Several researchers participate in international research organizations.
The objectives of the Student Chapter are:
- To encourage the development of research interests among its members.
- To improve the contacts and benefits with other CIB Student Chapters and the global research community.
- To facilitate and promote joint research and academic exchange with other CIB Student Chapters and the global research community.
Work Program:
The Work Program is as follows:
- Organise internal meetings and activities to enhance the sense of community among the members.
- Establish contacts with CIB commissions and CIB member Institutes, providing opportunities for PhD students to join the different CIB committees
- Introduce the activity of the CIB to the PhD students organizing an annual online workshop between a CIB member and new PhD students where the CIB activity is presented because of:
- a possible participation of the candidate in the activities
- presenting the international commissions related to the research topic of the candidate
- Establish contacts with other CIB Student Chapters around the world by arranging and participating in workshops, symposiums or other similar activities.
The Student Chapter at the Polytechnic of Milan pursues to follow the planned program. It involves minutes of meeting as deliverables, publication of the newsletter and established contacts with other Student Chapters.
The DABC at the Polytechnic of Milan, is an Associate Member of CIB. The joint CIB Student Chapter at DABC is organized within the ABC-PhD ( the multi-disciplinary Doctoral Program of the Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering of Politecnico di Milano, coordinated by Prof. M. Scaioni and will be open to all postgraduate and research students of the department.
It is expected that members will:
- have a strong interest in research and innovation in the area of buildings and building processes
- actively participate in the functions and events organized by the CIB Student Chapter
The Department of Building Construction Management Technology at Purdue University specializes in the study of building construction management (BCM)
The purpose of this CIB Student Chapter is to give the students opportunity to network with other CIB student chapters and CIB commissions,to stimulate discussion and research about the built environment,promote and support the professional development of group members, to facilitate the participation of members in CIB related conferences and to encourage the spread of information regarding research, conferences and information about the built environment at the Purdue community.
Regular meetings will be held twice every month. the time and day of the week will be dependent on accommodating the executive board's schedules and what will work besto for th emajoruty of the member's schedule.
Continued membership with the organization is dependent on attendance of all meetings.
The treasurer keeps accounts, deposits the organization's funds and makes expenditures in a manner approved by the Business Office for Student Organizations.
This Chapter is a university-based Chapter based at and supported by RMIT University which is a CIB Member University.
The RMIT CIB Student Chapter was established to:
- provide a support network for postgraduate and undergraduate students in the dissemination and sharing of research interests, skills, experiences and capabilities
- serve as a platform to showcase the research identity, work and activities of its members and to engage with the wider academic community and industry
The Student Chapter's current programme includes:
- monthly meetings of members
- production of at least two newsletters reporting the chapter's activities
- to support CIB events by encouraging members to participate at various Commission meetings, workshops, seminars, symposia and conferences
- to develop an online communication network/mail list [similar to CNBR: Cooperative Network for Building Researchers] for members for information exchange/queries, announcements of events and news
- to organise two sessions of the Research Seminar Series in partnership with the School of Property, Construction and Management
Membership of the RMIT Student Chapter will be open to all postgraduate and undergraduate students (Honours level) involved with research-based activities. Members must:
- be currently enrolled in a postgraduate/undergraduate degree and have an interest in research areas related to the built environment
- actively participate in the Student Chapter's events and activities
The School of the Built Environment (SoBE) is a world leading, professionally accredited and life-long learning community of scholars of global reach, working in unison with learners across all levels of study and research, and lifelong learning professionals and organisations committed to making a difference to the sector.
The School has been leading the research agenda in the built environment for more than 20 years, continuously rated top in the national Research Assessment Exercises. SoBE continues its leading position in the QS World Ranking list of the world's top 50 universities, after the prestigious international university rankings organisation Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) placed the School 36th in the World and 5th in the UK (QS rankings, 2017). The rankings highlight the world’s top universities in 36 individual subjects based on academic reputation and research impact.
Postgraduate research students are fundamental to our research activities, culture and ethos. With very high employability successes and one of the largest global cohorts of PhD students, many of our graduates are already making a difference in industry and also in academia, by holding leadership positions in organisations and academic institutions across the world. Within SoBE’s postgraduate community many of the activities currently being undertaken are comparable to those recommended to be provided by a CIB Student Chapter, and members of SoBE are active on the various Commissions of the CIB.
SoBE welcomes the challenge and opportunity that a CIB Student Chapter offers within their research environment and is prepared to provide the resources necessary for the CIB Student Chapter to flourish. SoBE’s postgraduates embrace the concept of a CIB Student Chapter and wish to interact with other Student Chapters across the world.
Bespoke Training
There is an extensive range of training and support for the postgraduate researcher at Salford to take advantage of. The Salford Postgraduate & Staff Research Training (SPoRT) programme is designed to help students develop the skills needed for effective research and transferable skills to enhance employability, whether this is for a career in academia or elsewhere in the public or private sectors.
Each of our postgraduate students is assigned a supervisor from the School who is well experienced and active in the same area of research, a co-supervisor or a local advisor, and a personal tutor who will offer support and guidance when needed.
Each month the postgraduates and researchers meet informally to discuss issues regarding their research, facilities and opportunities.
A fortnightly workshop is conducted on research methodologies and skills as part of SoBE's Doctoral Training Programme. These workshops focus on the practicalities of research and include guest speakers who provide examples of research in industrial contexts.
Researchers and postgraduates are encouraged to attend and deliver papers on their research at a range of events and conferences, including SoBE’s biennial International Postgraduate Research Conference (IPGRC) and CIB Working Commission and Task Group events and conferences. Wherever possible, SoBE endeavours to provide support to enable attendance at such events.
Our programmes are designed to reflect the latest thinking and practice in the respective disciplines, engaging in quality, advanced, cutting-edge and impactful research. SoBE’s research is primarily focused within the following areas: Sustainability; Construction process management; Disaster management; Smart Cities, Energy and Construction information technology. Students will have access to the School’s state of the art facilities, including the ThinkLab and the Salford Energy House.
The Salford CIB Student Chapter aims to enhance postgraduate students' skills, particularly in regards to international collaboration and information exchange concerning research and innovation in the built environment. Chapter’s objectives include:
- To provide opportunities to further improve relationships among postgraduate researchers
- To identify and exploit opportunities on developing our skills and capabilities
- To expand our research networks within and among student chapters
- To promote the awareness of CIB and CIB Student Chapters
The main aim of the Salford CIB Student Chapter is to engage SoBE’s PG researchers in mutually beneficial tasks in a collaborative spirit and transfer knowledge catering to the upliftment of PG research. Activities will include organising a series of student focused academic workshops and seminars; organising social and sport events like International Food festival and football tournament; developing research projects that is useful to PGR community, carry out and dissemination of findings; organsing competitions such as 3 minute thesis; and carry out frequent publications like conference/ journal papers, Newsletters etc.
All postgraduate research students in the School automatically become CIB Student Chapter members upon registration.
SoBE allocates sufficient funds for CIB student chapter to carry out their activities. For example, annually school sponsors a PGR student for an international conference, selected through a competition.
The CIB Student Chapter at Tsinghua University was established in May 1999, thanks to the intensive efforts of Dr. Rick Coble from the University of Florida and Dr. FANG Dongping from Tsinghua University. At the time of establishment, the Chapter comprised fifteen members, six of them were postgraduate students, the rest were senior undergraduates. All the members were majoring in construction engineering and management in the Department of Construction Management, School of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, and were simultaneously members of the China Civil Engineering Society (CCES). Since its establishment, the Chapter has organized a series of activities concerning development and problems of construction engineering and management all over the world, of which the most successful one is the 2nd CIB International symposium ‘Sustainability and Innovation in Construction and Real Estate’ in Tsinghua University in October 2004. In 2005, we also associated with the Student Chapter at Queensland University of Technology for 3 rd CIB Student Chapters International Symposium in Australia.
The scope of the Student Chapter includes but is not limited to:
- Construction technology and development
- Construction management methods and technology
- Construction safety technology and management
- Policies and enforcement related to the construction industry
- Real estate investment and benefit research
- Contract management and bidding
- Project risk assessment and management
- Project quality standard and management
The objectives are as follows:
- To enhance communication and exchange of research and academic works between the college students majoring in Construction Engineering and Management in Tsinghua University and other Student Chapters and Commissions of CIB.
- To seek opportunities for cooperation and support for the Student Chapter at Tsinghua University from the business community and other sources in the construction industry all over the world, in order to help students who are interested in building and construction to develop their academic interests and research work.
- To accomplish other responsibilities as may be required by CIB.
The CIB Student Chapter at Tsinghua University focusses attention on the following programs, but is not exclusively limited to it:
- To organize seminars and lectures given by experts from China and other countries
- To exchange research progress and opinions with CIB counterparts through email or distance meeting
- To send papers to and attend conferences organized by CIB
- To undertake visits to other universities and/or research institutions
- To provide internship or part-time for members in projects under construction
Students who desire formal membership of the Student Chapter must conform to the requirements below:
- Have an interest in research and academic work on building and construction
- Fulfill the responsibilities required by the Student Chapter
- Take part in an interview by the Coordinator and President
- Attend the activities organized by the Student Chapter
- Pay the membership fees as required
- Secure the approval of the Coordinator and President
The purpose of this Association shall be:
- Provide a means by which students who will be the future leaders of building research and innovation are able to engage with and be inspired by current leading edge building research worldwide, and to appreciate at first hand the value of international exchange and cooperation,
- Introduce those students to the advantages of CIB membership so that they are convinced of the value of maintaining membership of CIB in their future professional research and innovation careers,
- Promote and stimulate student interest in the research and innovation of the built-environment,
- Perform educational activities such as seminars, conferences, field trips, workshops and others, in order to increase and improve engineering knowledge and research techniques among members,
- Promote professional relationships and networking among members and the community.
- Develop and disseminate information and hold activities that support the exchange of knowledge and ideas.
Values Based Leadership
The school and its participating entities will provide research and learning environments that exemplify Values Based Leadership. These leadership values are founded in the highest ethical standards and behavior that extend across the decisions that we as members of our construction community encounter in every day life including areas of:
- Human interactions/relationships such as respect and empathy for a diverse population, safety, caring for people and the entities we work with, growth of the individual; and
- Society/community involvement including local, regional, national and world involvement with an understanding of sustaining our society and communities for future generations.
- Excellence in creative learning environments and research
The school and its participating entities will concentrate on learning environments that promote academic inquiry, pursuit of discovery, and human enlightenment and that provide maximum learning for our students. The school will be known for developing and using creative learning environments that include case based, seminar based, project based and studio based learning integrated with E-learning technologies and classical learning modes to improve access, efficiency and quality. The school will be known for rigorous research methodology and products. We will concentrate on doing the best quality research that will enrich academic thinking and benefit the construction community. - Integrating and Sustaining the Built Environment
The school and its participating entities will address all the elements of the built environment that must come together in a unified and integrated way to provide the best value for owners and our society. We will embrace field operations, production and productivity management as a necessary element of project management. We will strive to lead the change towards facilities that produce a net contribution to our environment and society. The elements that need to be embraced include integration for livability, safety, performance, energy consumption, sustainability, operation, and salvage. The school will take a leading role in growing a construction community that will address the interface issues that are critical to the long term success of the built environment and our industry. - The Board of Directors shall include of seven (7) representatives: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations Manager, two (2) Students at Large and one (1) Undergraduate Liaison. At a minimum, the positions of President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be filled for the Board of Directors to be active.
- Members of the Board of Directors must be enrolled in a recognized degree program of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
- To be considered as a candidate for becoming an officer of the Board of Directors of the Association, students must have at least nine (9) credits completed in their program and a minimum GPA of 3.00 as a student.
- During April annually, the Board of Directors shall request nominations for candidates for officer positions and oversee elections to the board. Election to office will be by a simple majority, and the term for each officer shall be one year commencing at the start of the fall semester and ending after summer sessions. A member may be elected to the Board of Directors twice. In the event of the resignation of an elected board member, the resignation and request for candidates shall be announced to the membership. The Board of Directors will hold an election at the earliest convenient date.
- Excellence in creative learning environments and research
Faculty Advisement
- At least one faculty advisor shall be appointed to serve for two consecutive academic years.
- The faculty advisor must hold a tenure-track position or have tenure at the university.
- President. - To lead the Association as the chief elected officer and to chair the Board of Directors in order to achieve the Association's mission and purpose
- Vice-President. – To assist the President as needed. He/she shall assume the Presidency upon loss or resignation of the President.
- Secretary. - To keep a record of all meetings, letters, transactions, announcements or any other matter regarding the Association. He/she is responsible for the preparation of letters and announcements. Assist the Public Relations Manager with the development and maintenance of the Association’s web presence and newsletter.
- Treasurer.- To take charge of all funds belonging to the Association, shall be responsible for their proper disbursement and shall render an accurate account at each meeting or when required by the Association Board of Directors.
- Public Relations Manager.- To establish and maintain communication with other internal and external organizations such as other Associations, Professional Societies, Industry and individuals when performing activities relating to the Association. To develop a web presence for the Association and, at least, an annual newsletter. When performing an event, the Public Relations Manager is responsible for the planning, organization and promotion of the event and shall be supported as needed by the rest of the Board of Directors.
- Students at Large – Represent the interests of the general student population at meetings.
- Faculty Advisor – Supervise the activities of the Association and serve as an additional liaison with CIB.
Membership and Dues
An active member for this Association can be any student of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, with interest in research and innovation in the built environment. Every member must agree with the terms and conditions established in this Association Bylaws. Memberships are granted at the discretion of the Board of Directors of the Association.
- Membership is effective for one (1) academic year. Any dues are payable at the time of application or renewal and only cover the membership cost for one (1) academic year.
Section 1
- The Association shall hold at least two (2) General Meetings (Assemblage) during each semester (this does not include summer sessions). The time and place of all meetings shall be fixed by the Board of Directors of the Association. Notice of this action shall be sent to all members at least one (1) week in advance of such meetings using internet communication, announcement signs and others.
- The members of the Board of Directors shall meet at least once a month at the time and place fixed through coordination with the Board or at the call of the President. Attendance is compulsory unless the absence is approved in advance by the President. Attendance of the Students at Large at these meetings is not mandatory.
Section 2
- Attendance by a simple majority of the Association members shall constitute a quorum for meetings of the Association. Attendance by a simple majority of the Board members shall constitute a quorum for meetings of the Board of Direction. If there shall be less than a quorum present, those present may either adjourn or act on the matters before it, subject to ratification at the next meeting which constitutes a quorum.
Section 3
- The general order of business at all meetings shall be as follows:
- Approval of the Agenda.
- Minutes of the previous meeting.
- Correspondence.
- Reports of the Committees and Officers.
- Elections.
- New Business.
In 2014, the Western Sydney University (WSU) celebrated its 25th anniversary as a statutory institution. The University acknowledges over 200 cumulative years of bringing knowledge to life in Greater Western Sydney from their heritage and member institutions. One of the largest employers with a large footprint across one of Australia's most dynamic population and business regions, WSU celebrates a present reminiscent with the riches of the past and the promises of the future. The School of Computing Engineering and Mathematics (SCEM) at WSU is uniquely positioned to bring together the pillars to innovation, offering research and teaching excellence in:
- Industrial Design
- Engineering
- Information & Communications Technology
- Computer Science
- Information Systems
- Entrepreneurship
- Mathematics, Data Science & Analytics
- Construction Management
- Project Management and
- Architecture
SCEM offers a large range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses that educate the innovators in technology and create the entrepreneurs of the future. With interconnected degrees in Engineering, Construction Technology, Construction Management, ICT and Industrial Design, students can pursue exciting opportunities in diverse areas and learn how to address the global goals and challenges set by humanity. The Built Environment discipline has an academic staff strength of 30. There are over 1500 undergraduate students in Construction Management and about 200 postgraduate students.
To be a recognized industry – collaborated research group with a culture of knowledge sharing and
intellectual interaction among higher degree researchers and undergraduate students alike by 2020.
The Chapter aims to provide a sound platform for participants to engage in industry collaboration, research related discussions, knowledge sharing opportunities and international exchange with global researchers to take the modern construction conversation ahead.
The objectives of the Student Chapter are:
- To inspire the development of a research culture among its members and build awareness of research significance for construction students
- To encourage new areas of research and academic resources among members and ensure the next generation of graduates are future-ready
- To provide a medium for disseminating, sharing and exchanging ideas, skills and experience within the Student Chapter and towards other CIB Student Chapters
- To enable joint research, industry collaboration and academic exchange with the global research community
- Monthly meetings for the chapter executive members to discuss the progress of activities
- Bi-annual meetings for all chapter members
- Semi-annual newsletter
- Student forums for internal exchange of research findings to encourage undergraduate students towards research and enhance the research caliber of the university
- Research colloquiums to exchange research knowledge with academics and researchers from other universities
- Industry engagement workshops with WSU alumni currently leading enterprises and/or other industry experts in built environment
- Visits to Construction Sites, Modular Building Companies and other relevant enterprises / organizations
- Establishing contact with other universities in Australia for collaboration and initiation of partner - chapters thereby broadening of CIB’s network and influence in Australia
- Establishing contact with CIB chapters at RMIT, Curtin University or Hong Kong Poly University for possible study trips
- Chapter website and social media content development and maintenance
- Sharing of information on upcoming conferences and journals to build an effective publication culture among students
The school is an Associate Member of CIB. The CIB Student Chapter at Centre for Smart Modern Construction is open to all postgraduate and undergraduate students of the School of Computing Engineering and Mathematics. It is expected that members will:
- have a strong interest in research and innovation in the areas of built environment and construction management
- actively participate in the functions and events organized by CIB Student Chapter
The Student Chapter has its own established membership rules that comply with the CIB's Mission Statement on set out in the CIB Constitution.
Coming soon
Coming soon
University of Newcastle Student Chapter's information is as follows and can be now updated on the website:
- Introduction: The School of Architecture and Built Environment (SABE) of University of Newcastle holds the associate membership of CIB and SABE represents the architecture, design and construction management disciplines of the University of Newcastle, Australia.
- Vision: CIB ECR/ Student Network aims to provide a platform for SABE higher degree research students and early career researchers to engage in local and global research related discussions by creating knowledge sharing opportunities and avenues to disseminate research findings.
- Program: The activities include SABE research showcase, Online research colloquium, Panel discussion on research methodology and applying for CIB Sebestyén Future Leaders Award.
- Membership: Membership includes SABE higher degree research students and early career researchers.
At the recent meeting of the Heads of the Association of Schools of Construction of Southern Africa (ASOCSA) and at a recent CIB SCC - Student Chapter Committee Meeting, it was agreed to establish a joint ASOCSA-CIB Sub-Saharan Africa Student Chapter (hereinafter referred to as the “ASOCSA-CIB Student Chapter”) with membership based on the current member institutions of ASOCSA plus other CIB Member Universities in the region.
The object of the ASOCSA-CIB Student Chapter is to: provide a forum by means of which postgraduate and undergraduate students at ASOCSA member institutions will be able to engage with and be inspired by current leading edge building and construction research and innovation worldwide, and to appreciate first hand the value of international exchange and co-operation, participate in joint ASOCSA-CIB regional activities such as the regional annual student competition and introduce these students to the benefits of CIB membership so that they are convinced of the value of maintaining membership of CIB in their future professional research and innovation careers.
The ASOCSA-CIB Student Chapter will control its own programme of activities, which may include regional and international activities. In the case of international activities the ASOCSA-CIB Student Chapter will clearly relate to CIB’s potential for linking with Other CIB Student Chapters CIB Commissions and Task Groups in order to foster collaboration and exchange of knowledge between Student Chapters and the expertise of members of these Commissions and Task Groups CIB events including the various Commission meetings, workshops, seminars, symposia and conferences CIB member institutes.
All members of the ASOCSA-CIB Student Chapter will be enrolled in an ASOCSA member institution and / or CIB member institution in Sub-Saharan Africa All members of the ASOCSA-CIB Student Chapter shall be current undergraduate or postgraduate students. Administration of the ASOCSA-CIB Student Chapter, including maintenance of membership records, will be carried out by specified officials of the Chapter who will notify changes to the CIB General Secretariat on request to ensure the reasonable accuracy of the Student Chapter database that CIB maintains for the ultimate benefit of CIB Student Chapters. The ASOCSA-CIB Student Chapter will from either its Council or its Heads Forum elect or nominate a Student Chapter Advisor, the details of whom will be provided to CIB as an additional means of contacting the Chapter.
The ASOCSA-CIB Student Chapter will arrange for the financing of its activities in its own way with assistance from ASOCSA These sources of income may include: a. Membership fees b. Financial support from ASOCSA member institutions c. Sponsors
The ASOCSA-CIB Student Chapter will, on a regular basis, and at least once a year, produce a newsletter or similar vehicle for communication with its membership and externally. The CIB General Secretariat through the Regional Directorate will facilitate the external dissemination of such a newsletter
The Hungarian CIB Student Chapter is a national Student Chapter, it consists of 5 CIB member university faculties. The members are students, Ph.D. students and young teachers / researchers at those Universities. (For information about each University please see below.)
With our CIB Student Chapter we provide international horizon for students. Our objectives are:
- take part in relevant CIB Working Commissions and Task Groups
- get in touch with other countries’ CIB student chapters and share experience with them
- get in touch with other student groups of the faculty / university and search for cooperation possibilities in research
- enforce the communication of architecture and civil engineer students on national level
- regular local meetings at the faculties
- 2 national meetings per year (in March and September, according to the academic year), 1 in EMI, 1 at one of the member faculties.
- inform students about CIB
- motivate students to take part in the research of the departments, e.g. Scientific Conference of Students
- help for students in taking part at scientific conferences (professional support, not financial)
- organise meetings and conferences
The Hungarian CIB Student Chapter consists of students from 5 CIB member university faculties, they are in 4 different cities of Hungary:
- Budapest University of Technology and Economy, Faculty of Architecture
- Szent István University, Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering
- Széchenyi István University, Faculty of Engineering Sciences
- University of Debrecen, Centre for Agricultural Sciences and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
- University of Pécs, Pollack Mihály Faculty of Engineering
Members of the Student Chapter: students, PhD students, young researchers / teachers.
EMI provides national coordination and helps in communication with CIB.
- Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Institutum Geometricum-Hydrotechnicum, the legal predecessor of Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) was founded in 1782, and it was the first institute in Europe to train engineers at university level. BUTE has 8 faculties and 83 departments. Number of students is 24 000, including 834 PhD students. There are 18 BSc and 17 Master Programs, 15 Doctorate Schools. Academic staff: 1333, with scientific qualification 498. - University of Debrecen
The University of Debrecen was formed on January 1 2000 by (re)uniting formerly independent institutions. Its historical roots reach back to the foundation of the Reformed College of Debrecen (1538), whose three academic sections later served as the base for the Hungarian Royal University of Sciences. With this past of more than 450 years, the University of Debrecen is the oldest institution of higher education in continuous operation in Hungary based in the same city.
The University of Debrecen has a student body of 26,000, out of which 16,000 are full-time students. More than 1700 instructors teach at the University, making it one of the largest higher education institutions in Hungary. Its 13 faculties, 2 independent institutions, and 20 doctoral schools undoubtedly offer the widest choice of majors and other forms of training.
The quality of teaching and especially research is indicated by the fact that more than half of the instructors have academic degrees, and 23 professors are members of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. - University of Pécs
The modern University of Pécs, founded on January 1 2000 through the merger of Janus Pannonius University, the Medical University of Pécs and the Illyés Gyula Teacher Training College of Szekszárd, is committed to endorsing and popularizing the idea of lifelong education. Its primary goal is to ensure high-level teaching and research but ample emphasis is also given to programs unique in Hungarian higher education that provide an opportunity to its teachers, staff, present and former students to develop their knowledge and education extensively as well as strengthen their ties to the university. Number of students at the University of Pécs is 34755 including 17855 full-time students. Staff: instructors: 1854, university professors: 175, college professors: 41, ordinary member of Hungarian Academy of Sciences: 5. - Széchenyi István University (Győr)
The Széchenyi István University was founded in 1968 as the Polytechnic of Transportation and Telecommunication. Its predecessors were located in Budapest and Szeged. With the Parliament of the Hungarian Republic’s decision of the 11 December 2001 Széchenyi István University was lifted to full university status from 01.01.2002. About 7500 full-time and 2000 part-time (distance learning) students are currently registered at the Institution. The number of academic staff is 270, including 140 professors and associate professors. The academic staff of the University, besides its direct instructional role, is regularly involved in research and development, consultancy and professional activities. Through this work they have contact with a number of industrial companies. - Szent István University, Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering
The predecessor of the institution was established in 1879 as a technical school. Since then it has been training students for a variety of professions within the construction industry. After 1950 it functioned as a specialized secondary school while from 1965 it became a higher educational technical school of building.
After organizational changes in 1972 the State Presidium founded the Ybl Miklós College of Building with two campuses: one in Budapest (Faculty of Building) and one in Debrecen (Faculty of Sanitary Engineering). The cooperation lasted until 1995.
Responding to the decision of the Hungarian government, from 1 January 2000 they merged with five higher educational institutions under the name of Szent István University.
The faculty currently has 212 employees, of which 92 people are employed in the area of research and/or teaching. Last academic year 1387 full time, 790 part time and 57 post-graduate students were registered.
- Hungarian CIB Student Chapter Conference - Budapest, Hungary, 27 March 2009
- Abstract book of the conference
- International CIB Student Chapter Conference 2010 – Budapest, Hungary, 30 September – 2 October 2010
Website of the Hungarian CIB Student Chapter:
CIB Working Commission W080 Student Chapter - Prediction of Service Life of Building Materials and Components – has the scope to promote the international cooperation on prediction of service life of building materials and components by identifying systematic methodologies related with the Evaluation and Estimation of Service Life. (testing, modeling, etc). As well, guide lines will be prepared in regards to the use of durability and service life data for Sustainability, the reliability approach, concepts related to damage and FMECA, dose-response and performance-over-time functions.
In the current Work Program there is a focus on the following topics, that are being dealt with through Commission Working groups:
- WG 1: Service Life Prediction methods (B. Daniotti)
- WG 2: Service life data collection (J. Hans)
- WG 3: Service Life for Sustainability (W. Trinius)
The W080 Student Chapter, is a working group of PhD, master students on topics related to - Prediction of Service Life. The aim is to interchange research ideas and outcomes, to collaborate on research processes and information dissemination, and to organize workshops and social networking events.
The W080 Student Chapter aims to provide an active and supportive community for students worldwide and has a number of specific objectives:
- international cooperation between the universities and students involved
- an international discussion group
- actively participate to CIB W080 Work Program
- publications resulting from the research cooperation
- organize workshops
- a book with research outcome on a W080 themes (expected at 13DBMC)
The priority tasks for the new W080 Student Chapter are already in progress, and are as follows:
- Establish a membership list
- Create a group account for internal communication and sharing of documents
- Encouraging the use of informal communication and social networking
Applications for membership should be submitted to the W080 Student Chapter Commission Representative or to the CIB W080 Scientific Secretary whose contacts are listed in the list of Chapter members. Students enrolled at a CIB member university may join without charge but must have the prior support of the designated CIB contact of their university and that contact should be copied in to the e-mail when applying for membership.
A CIB Student Chapter may be a local, regional, national or even international organised group of students, provided that those students are enrolled at CIB Member universities and preferably have an identifiable common interest in the work of one or more CIB Commissions* or Priority Themes. Examples of different types of CIB Student Chapters envisaged by the current CIB guidelines include, but are not limited to:

- Chapters with a membership based on one CIB Member university: Full or Associate Membership
- Chapters with a membership based on two or more CIB Member universities in the same country or region, with shared identifiable common interests (as described above) so as to be a regional or national Chapter
- Chapters with an international membership, based on CIB Member universities anywhere in the world, related to a CIB Commission and operating under the responsibility of that Commission.
* In this context a CIB Commission includes a Working Commission or a Task Group.
CIB University Members interested in forming a CIB Student Chapter may make a formal proposal to the CIB Programme Committee. Before doing that it may be helpful to consult Advice to Intending Student Chapters here .
The Guidelines for CIB Student Chapters can be downloaded below:
People looking for ideas for activities of Student Chapters may like to read this report, which presents the results of our survey of Student Chapters in spring 2020.
Latest news for Students and ECRs
- CIB Effective teaching methods webinar
- CIB Keith Hampson ECR-Industry award 2024 winner announced
- CIB Sebestyén Future Leaders 2024 – report
- Scientific writing webinar
- CIB Sebestyén Future Leaders Award 2025 – call for entries
- CIB Best Doctoral Dissertation Award 2024 winner announced
- CIB Best Doctoral Dissertation Award 2024 presentations
- What is the Dark Side of Sustainability in Construction? 11 October
- CIB Vistas and Global Visiting Scholar Programme call 2025