Canadian Research in the Built Environment – Climate Initiatives and partnerships at the National Research Council of Canada
The third seminar in the CIB President’s seminar series 4 is with Michael Lacasse of the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) on 20th September 2024.
A brief summary of research being carried out by CIB members located in Canada is to be provided. Although not all members within Canada have collaborative arrangements with the NRC, a good number of members do, given that they participate in W040 (Heat & moisture transfer) , W080 (Durability of buildings), and TG97 (Nature based solutions for buildings). Accordingly, the talk will primarily focus on the research initiatives as have been undertaken by the NRC with emphasis on work related to adapting to of mitigating the effects of climate change.

Dr. Michael Lacasse is a Senior Research Officer at the National Research Council Canada (NRC) and Team leader of the FSP Team, part of NRC’s Building Envelope and Materials Research unit. He undertakes both strategic and collaborative research related to building facades and fenestration, is responsible for both maintaining and advancing the team’s research capabilities, developing business opportunities and training and mentoring HQP. Over the course of his more than 30-year career at the NRC, he has fostered research collaborations with local academia as well as internationally.
He is a widely recognized expert in the durability of building materials and building elements and the moisture management of building enclosures. As well as being a Board member of the CIB, he is also a Coordinator for CIB’s working commission W080 on the Durability of Building Materials and Components, and as well, chairs the ISO Technical Committee of Design Life of Built structures, TC59 SC14. Additionally, he is a founding member of CIB TG97, Nature based solutions for climate resilient buildings and is to Coordinate the activities of CIB W040, Heat and moisture transfer in Buildings.
He has played an important role in industry having influenced code and standard development in respect to resistance to deterioration of building assemblies, where his work has helped develop both CSA and ISO standards on durability and the service life of buildings.
How to join
The Canadian Research in the Built Environment – Climate Initiatives and partnerships at the National Research Council of Canada seminar is held at 11:30-12:30 Eastern Time (GMT-4) on 20th September and can be joined through this link
Recordings of the President’s seminar series 3 can be viewed here.