SBE22Delft Conference Registration now open!

SBE22Delft Conference Registration now open!

The registration for the SBE22Delft conference is now open! 

As a partner of the conference, we would appreciate if you are able to promote this milestone on your website and social media. Below we have a draft social media message for you to copy/paste. 


SBE22Delft will bring together 250-300 researchers, government officials, companies and professionals working toward a fast energy transition in the building renovation sector. The program of this conference will cover a wide range of themes regarding the built environment.  

The conference will enable participants to share ideas on state-of-the-art approaches for accelerating Europe’s energy renovation wave. The program includes keynote sessions, scientific paper presentations, industry and policy roundtables, panel discussions connected to current European policies and goals, and site visits of living labs. 

The conference themes include: 

  • Renovation concepts for housing 
  • Renovation concepts for non-residential buildings 
  • Innovative technologies 
  • Low temperature heating solutions for buildings 
  • District energy systems 
  • Energy harvesting and storage on the building scale 
  • Smart, energy-flexible buildings, smart monitoring, management & control 
  • Energy performance of buildings 
  • Behaviour of building owners and users 
  • Value chain innovation 
  • Policies and regulations 
  • The energy transition in progress 
  • Sustainability assessment of mitigation measures 
  • Assessment of existing buildings 
  • Energy transition & climate change – consequences for cooling-related energy demand and solar cooling 
  • Digitalization for innovation 

The conference is being co-hosted by the Delft University of Technology (Urban Energy Institute and Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment) and TNO and is part of the SBE Conference Series. 
The event is planned in-person, in a Coronavirus-safe environment. Visit website for more details.