New members required for the CIB Committee of Examination (annual accounts audit)

New members required for the CIB Committee of Examination (annual accounts audit)

This scrutiny of the annual accounts on behalf of the members is a vital part of CIB’s governance and we would really appreciate assistance

Members may be aware of the important role of the CIB’s Committee of Examination, for which we require two members to volunteer to serve in 2024-2025 to review the annual accounts for 2023 and 2024.

The role of the Committee of Examination is similar to that of an Audit Committee. We would expect to receive the CIB’s draft annual accounts for 2023 by March 2024 for review, after which we will hold an online meeting in April or May which may last 2-3 hours, involving the three members of the Committee plus the Honorary Treasurer Paul Chan and chief executive Don Ward. A report based on the discussions at the meeting will then be signed off by the Committee members after any comments by the end of May. The total process should last no more than a month and require maybe 5-6 hours maximum. The most recent report is available to view here.

Members can only serve on this Committee for two years, so this year we have to say goodbye to Professor Les Ruddock and Professor Andrew Agapiou, whom we thank for their service. The third current member of the Committee is Iasen Markov and he is able to serve for a second year, so that leaves us with two vacancies. A current Board member cannot serve in this role, but someone else from the same institution as a Board member is permitted.

Please consider and contact Don Ward if you are able to volunteer for this role, indicating any relevant experience for this type of role. The Officers, Board and all members of CIB would be most grateful.