As of 2019 the CIB General Secretariat is located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, and operates under the supervision of the CIB Chief Executive. It serves its members, Board, Student Chapters, and Commissions and Theme Groups.
Since 2019, the CIB has had a Services Agreement with the Association for Innovation in Building in Construction (AIBC)—a Canadian-registered not-for-profit corporation that provides secretariat and other services.
CIB is an association that falls under the jurisdiction of Dutch law.
The General Assembly—which takes place annually—has the final approval on CIB’s policies. All appointed representatives from CIB member organisations are entitled to a seat at the table. Board members—including the President and all Officers—are elected every third year for a three-year term. This meeting coincides with the triennial CIB World Building Congress.

The Board has the following Standing Committees:
OC – Officers’ Committee
PC – Programme Committee
AC – Administrative Committee
MCC – Membership and Communications Committee
FLC – Future Leaders Committee
Officers’ Committee
The OC is made up of:
- President of the Board;
- immediate Past-President;
- two Vice-Presidents;
- Board’s Treasurer; and
- Chair of the Programme Committee.
The President of the Board serves as Chair. The MCC and SCC chairs attend OC meetings as permanent guests.
The Programme Committee
The PC is responsible for all activities related to CIB research and innovation. Its Chair is appointed by the General Assembly.
Among the principal on-going tasks of the Programme Committee are:
- establishment of new CIB Commissions
- appointment of CIB Co-ordinators
- regular assessment of the performance of existing CIB Commissions
- termination of CIB Commissions if they have fulfilled their tasks or if they do not function according to the best interests of the CIB Membership.
The PC comprises no more than twelve members from whom at least eight, including the CIB President, are Board Members. A minimum of one third of the total membership must be current or past co-ordinators.
Administrative Committee
The Treasurer of the Board serves as Chair of the AC. The committee assists the Board with general, administrative and financial matters such as:
- matters related to annual budgets of income and expenditure, annual auditor’s reports, and other financial documents;
- optimal investment policies; and
- recommendations on applications for, and terminations of, CIB membership.
The AC is comprised of no more than eight members. It includes the CIB President, the CIB Treasurer, and at least three other Board Members.
Membership and Communications Committee
The MCC deals with CIB’s internal and external communications. It assists the Board with membership strategy and development, as well as internal and external marketing and communication matters such as branding, website, publications, newsletters, etc.
The MCC Chair is appointed by the Board of Directors.
Future Leaders Committee
The FLC establishes and monitors the performances of the University-based and National CIB Student Chapters.
The Chair of the FLC is appointed by the Board of Directors.