Operationalise policy and data for better urban air quality

This seminar Operationalise policy and data for better urban air quality is part of a series organised by the Smart and Sustainable Built Environment Working Group (W116) of the CIB. The seminar introduces research and the practical implementation of testing facilities and living labs from diverse regions globally.

A recording of the seminar is available to view above.  

Seminar theme

Atmospheric pollution has widespread impacts on citizens globally, affecting residents’ health and wellbeing. While the problem is widely documented, developing strategies to implement and promote action in our cities remain critical. African cities will need to improve their response measures to managing urban air quality if they are to successfully house the future largest growing and youngest urban population. This seminar will bring together researchers, advocates and policymakers to consider how we leverage data to inspire action and change in our cities in order to promote better living environments.

17:00IntroductionJeremy Gibberd
17:10Hyperlocal Air Quality Monitoring in African Cities with AirQoEngineer Bainomugisha
(Makere University)
17:30Youth-Led Precision-Advocacy for Unleashing Urban Transformation in Lagos, Accra and Cape TownMonika Kamkuemah (UrbanBetter Initiative)  
17:50Role of an NGO in Undertaking Ground-level ActionOlamide Ejorh
(Lagos Urban Development Initiative)
18:10Panel Discussion & QuestionsJan Hugo

Seminars consist of short presentations, panel discussions and questions. They are hosted by the CIB who publicise the seminars and issue invitations. W116 schedules the seminars and presenters. If you have questions or would like to suggest a seminar, please contact Dr Jeremy Gibberd:  [email protected]


Details of the presenters can be found in the event document below.



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