I am deeply honored and humbled to be elected the 26th President of CIB at the World Building Congress 2022 in Melbourne in June for a three year term. My heartfelt gratitude to all CIB members for their faith in my leadership to bring this highly distinguished 69 year old organization to the next higher level.
My special thanks to Professor Keith Hampson, our immediate past President, for his strong leadership during the last three years and for guiding the organization through the tough pandemic years. Keith has always had a passion for more effective industry-research collaboration, and we are most grateful for his endowment of a new award, “The CIB Keith Hampson ECR-Industry Award” is particularly appropriate as well as generous. Thank you Keith.
The organization is on a strong footing due to the efforts of the outgoing board under Keith’s leadership and the exceptional support provided by the Secretariat. Don Ward as the CEO and his team at the Secretariat including Mike Behm and Debbie Gray have done a yeoman’s job in maintaining the financial and operational viability of the organization. My heartfelt appreciation also to Ron Wakefield and RMIT for their superb organisation of a very successful WBC2022, which was busy, vibrant and highly productive.
I am now looking forward to working with the Secretariat and the new Board over the next three years to make a difference collectively by increasing (1) the value proposition, (2) the number of members, and (3) the financial strength of the organization. I am lucky to have a Board of exceptional individuals that are highly accomplished including the officers Vice Presidents Prof. Ron Wakefield and Prof. Patricia Tzortzopoulos, Treasurer Prof Paul Chan and Committee chairs Dr. Kim Haugbølle, Prof. Srinath Perera, Prof. Kathy Mitchell, and Dr. Michael Lacasse.
I welcome the opportunity to discuss our activities and strategy with any of our members and to support events wherever I can. Please do not hesitate to contact me via the secretariat and I look forward to engaging with as many people as possible.
Professor Mark Hastak
CIB President
August 2022