Living Labs: Agents for Change CfP

Living Labs: Agents for Change CfP

Buildings and Cities have issued a call for papers for Living Labs: Agents for Change

Guest editors: Nicola Antaki , Doina Petrescu & Vera Marin

Deadline for abstracts: 10 February 2025

What are the roles and impacts that Living Labs play in increasing civic resilience and supporting ecological transition in different contexts and at different scales?

This special issue examines the roles that living labs have in creating or enhancing resilience in local communities. What mediation methods are used in the different stages of collaboration? How can success or efficacy be measured? What lessons arise about transferability between different labs / situations? What inventive methodologies are developed/used in living labs within different contexts and at different scales?

Potential topics

Potential topics cover a range of issues in these categories

  • Analysis of practices and case studies
  • Tools, methods & methodologies
  • Definitions, theories & knowledge types
  • Roles, spaces & collaboration
  • Public policies & influence
  • Civic resilience & empowerment
  • Innovation & ecological transition
  • Research methodologies & critiques
  • Transformative research & learning

Full details: