CIB is delighted to announce the inauguration of a new award generously endowed by Keith Hampson, CIB President from 2019 to 2022.

The award aims to recognise and encourage industry collaboration by Early Career Researchers (ECRs), and was announced during the first plenary session of the World Building Congress 2022 hosted by RMIT in Melbourne.
Background and Aim
The overarching purpose of the award, to be known as the CIB Keith Hampson ECR-Industry Award is to promote new and innovative connections between ECRs and the built environment industry. Professor Keith Hampson built a prominent career connecting research with the built environment industry through engaged partnerships, including as CEO of the Sustainable Built Environment national research centre (SBEnrc) in Australia. This annual award is intended to provide ECRs with an opportunity to develop and foster industry connections as they begin their research careers. The aim is to encourage ECRs to put forward innovative ideas for the development of improved engagement with industry in their research. Examples might include travel to an industry event, participation in an industry study tour, a pilot research project with industry, etc. The proposal should demonstrate a new or strengthened collaboration between the ECR and the industry partner and describe how the collaboration will benefit both the ECR and industry partner.
The competition is open to ECRs, including doctoral research students, attached to CIB through Full or Associate Members, or who are Individual Members. ECRs are defined as those researchers within 5 years of their doctoral degree award date, but the intention is to be inclusive so in the event of any uncertainty on eligibility, please contact the CIB secretariat.
The Award for the winning proposal will be a sum of up to €1,000. All funds must be utilised in the calendar year following the application and award announcement.
Call for Proposals
The first Call for Proposals is hereby launched on 27th June 2022. A proposal of maximum length 2 pages should:
- describe in detail the activity that the individual will engage in and with which industry / industry partner(s);
- describe how the proposal demonstrates a new or strengthened collaborative link between the individual and industry;
- how the individual’s career will benefit from this activity;
- how the industry partner/s will benefit from this activity;
- the potential for the collaboration to continue;
- include a timeline for activity completion in the year; and,
- an outline budget of how the individual will utilise the €1,000 grant. Leveraging of any additional funding from industry, governmental agency, research institute, etc will be highly regarded.
The proposal must include a statement/letter from the relevant industry partner(s) certifying that the individual and the industry partner(s) agree on the activity (this letter should be treated as an appendix/addendum and does not count towards the 2-page maximum).
Closing date for proposals
Proposals for this inaugural annual award must be sent as a .pdf by e-mail to no later than Friday 11 November 2022.
Proposal Assessment
The Judging Panel, appointed by the CIB Student Chapters and Early Career Researchers Committee, will assess proposals on the extent to which they are likely to contribute to the following:
- promotion of CIB and its objectives;
- stimulation and facilitation of information exchange between the researcher and industry;
- demonstrates a new or strengthened collaboration between the researcher and industry;
- the practical feasibility of the activity;
- the potential for the researcher’s career to be enhanced;
- impact on industry;
- the likelihood that the collaboration between the researcher and the industry partner(s) would continue;
- the likelihood that the activity described in the proposal will be completed within calendar year 2023; and,
- writing style, readability, and flow; impact; and originality and creativity.
Announcement of the Winner
The inaugural winner will be notified no later than 23 December 2022. The Awardee will be publicised in the CIB Newsletter as soon as possible after that date.
The winner of the Award will be required to report on the activity immediately after its completion, and is expected to draft a CIB newsletter article on the outcome. Any dissemination of results obtained through the funded activity should acknowledge the CIB Keith Hampson ECR-Industry Award.
Further information
Please contact if you have any further questions on this call.