Invitation to nominate candidates for the CIB Board June 2022 – June 2025

Invitation to nominate candidates for the CIB Board June 2022 – June 2025

We have today sent an important communication to Lead CIB Contacts at CIB Member Organisations and CIB Individual Members

All paid-up members of CIB are invited to nominate a candidate for election onto the CIB Board for the next three-year term from June 2022 – June 2025.

A copy of the respective paragraphs in the CIB Constitution and By-Laws which set out the eligibility criteria is attached below. The full Constitution and By-Laws are available here.

You can nominate yourself or another person by emailing myself. If you nominate someone else I will ask them to confirm that they accept the nomination. Please note that any candidate will need to have the appropriate institutional support to act as Board Member if elected.

Nominations should be sent to me in confidence by 26th November 2021 please.

Based on a review of these nominations the outgoing Board will publish a proposal in March for the composition of the next Board as advice for the CIB membership. This will accompany the other papers for the 2022 General Assembly, these papers will be issued at least 90 days before the meeting. Other candidates will still be entitled to stand, and further nominations must be received at least two months before the General Assembly.

The General Assembly will be held during the CIB World Building Congress 2022 in Melbourne Australia, and will be on June 29th at 08:00 local time, online participation in this meeting will also be possible and a ballot will take place if necessary.

Please contact me if you have any questions about this communication, otherwise I look forward to receiving any nominations by November 26th please.

With best wishes

Don Ward
Chief Executive

Annex. Extracts from the CIB Constitution and By-Laws 

 Composition of the Board 

The Board consists of five (5) elected officers, the Immediate Past President (the Immediate Past President is automatically a member of the Board) and up to nineteen (19) other members

Not more than two (2) members may reside in the same country. 

Persons nominated as member of the Board shall either be an Individual member or an employee of an Ordinary or Extraordinary member. The nomination shall be signed by the Individual member or by the representative of an Ordinary or Extraordinary member… 

Each member may nominate not more than one member for the Board. 

Electing and co-opting members of the Board 

The five (5) elected officers and at least thirteen (13) other members of the Board are elected by the General Assembly at the three-yearly meeting by means of a written vote in which all those present and entitled to vote may take part. 

The General Assembly may also resolve to appoint up to six (6) members; if these are not appointed, these members of the Board will be appointed by the Board through co-optation. Each member of the Board has equal rights to attend the meetings of the Board. 

Elections of officers and other members of the Board for a new term of office of the Board at the three-yearly meeting of the General Assembly may only be held if at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the total number of votes is validly represented

Tenure of the members of the Board 

The term of office of each member of the Board is three (3) years. A member of the Board remains in office until the end of that term or until the end of the next meeting of the General Assembly at which his successor is appointed. 

Members of the Board may remain in office for a maximum of two (2) consecutive terms; in other words, they may not hold a position in the Board for more than six (6) consecutive years. This restriction does not apply if the member of the Board is appointed as President, Vice-President, Treasurer or Chairman of CIB’s Programme Committee

From the Bylaws (Article III: Nominations) 
Once every three years, the retiring Board shall submit a proposal for the composition of the new Board to the General Assembly. This proposal shall be sent to all Members by electronic mail or facsimile message to the designated organization contact, or by registered mail, at least three months before the Triennial Meeting of the General Assembly.  

Members may submit further nominations by facsimile message or registered mail that must be received by the Secretary General at least two months before the Triennial Meeting of the General Assembly. 

For each nominated person who has not nominated himself, the Secretary General shall have it confirmed that the nominated person is in agreement with his nomination.