The Sustainable, Ecological, Engineering, Design for Society (SEEDS) Conference
Abstract submission date: Tuesday 1st March 2022
Reviewer comments return: by Thursday 31st March 2022
Paper submission deadline: Wednesday 1st May 2022
Final paper submission and response to reviewers’ comments: by Thursday 30th June 2022
International SEEDS Conference 2022: 31st August to 2nd September 2022
It has been thirty-five years since the seminal report Our Common Future (often referred to as
the Brundtland Report), published by the World Commission on Environment and Development,
proposed progressive environmental strategies and recommendations towards the attainment
of the United Nations “A Global Agenda for Change”. Since then we have seen many pivotal
international actions, summits, frameworks, protocols, conventions and declarations proposed.
Amongst the most important was the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), established by the
United Nations in 2000, with 191 nations committing towards their delivery by 2015.
Moving forward, the United Nations “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, adopted by all
Member States in 2015, proposed a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the
planet, both now and into the future. At its core are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),
which are an urgent call for action by all countries to join in a global partnership towards their
achievement. We are almost mid-way through the timeframe for the delivery of the seventeen
SDGs so it is apt that society takes an opportunity to reflect on many of the triumphs towards their
realisation and also seek steer on the directions of their future travel.