International Conference on National Spatial Planning and Advanced Urban Development and The Celebration of the 1st Anniversary of the School of Spatial Planning & Design of Zhejiang University City College will be held 18th – 19th June, 2022, Hangzhou, China. The Conference provides the platform for attendants to communicate and exchange on the research topics and outcomes under the theme of Spatial Planning and Advanced Urban Development.
Zhejiang University City College positions in the city of Hangzhou, which is famous for its rich historical and cultural resources. Hangzhou enjoys many famous brands such as “The Paradise on Earth”, “The Land of Fish and Rice”, and “The Land of Silk”.
We are delighted to invite all scholars and experts to submit papers that align with the theme and the topics below, and participate in this international academic event. We believe that the 2022 International Conference on National Spatial Planning System and Advance Urban Development will offer a great opportunity to share scientific research achievements and cutting-edge technologies and understand the academic development. We welcome you to join us at beside West Lake of Hangzhou.
Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
01: Theories and methods of spatial planning
02: Spatial planning and community development
03: Advanced development of megacities
04: Regional integration and high-quality development of urban agglomerations
05: Green and low-carbon cities
06: Public health in urban development
07: Urban security and resilient cities
08: Smart cities and big data applications
09: Cultural heritage protection and urban renewal 10: Urban-rural integration and rural protection 11: Education development for spatial planning
Submission requirements
(1) Paper language: English; Paper length: the number of words per paper: 5000-6000, the pages per paper (abstract, figures and tables included) are up to 8 pages.
(2) Detailed formatting instructions are available at: Paper submission.
(3) Only one paper will be accepted from each registrant.
(4) Submission methods: Please send your paper to Dr Ruan: and Dr Zhang:
Important Date
Abstract submission deadline: April 5,2022 Full paper submission deadline: May 30, 2022 Registration deadline :June 10,2022
Opening of the conference: June 18,2022
Zhejiang University City College
Executive Organizer
School of Land and Space Planning, Zhejiang University City College
Zhejiang Province Urban Science Institute
China Building Energy Conservation Association Urban Green and Low Carbon Development Quality Committee
Official Correspondence Address
School of Spatial Planning and Design, Zhejiang University City College, International Conference on National Spatial Planning System and Advance Urban Development
Telephone:+86-15355476458(Dr Ding)
Paper Submission
1. The full text is A4 size, word count 5000-6000; Times New Roman font, no page number;
2. Title: Bold number three, centered, 24 lb line spacing;
3. Author: Small four bold, centered, 15 points before the paragraph, 15 points after the paragraph;
4. Abstract, keywords: number five, single line spacing, Abstract and Keywords bold;
5. Add a page break after the abstract;
6. Put the author profile into the footer of the first page, the font is small five, and the single line is multiplied;
7. First-level headings: four bold, 0.5 lines before the paragraph, 0.5 lines after the paragraph;
8. Secondary headings: Small four bold, 0.5 lines before the paragraph, 0.5 lines after the paragraph. If connected to a first-level header, the first 0 lines of the paragraph and the lines after the paragraph are 0.5;
9. Level 3 headings: number five in bold;
10. Body: number five, one-line spacing. The first paragraph is left-aligned, and the other paragraphs are preceded by four spaces;
11. References: number five, hanging indentation of 2 characters, segment spacing is a fixed value of 14 points;
12. Table title: small five bold, left aligned, 0.5 lines before the paragraph, 0 lines after the paragraph;
13. Font in the table: Small five;
14. If the table is followed by a paragraph, the first 0.5 lines of the paragraph are left-aligned; 15. Margins: Normal 2.54 cm above, 2.54 cm bottom, 3.18 cm left and right.