Final call – Digital Transformation of Health and Safety in Construction

Call for Abstracts tile
Call for Abstracts Digital Transformation of Health and Safety in Construction


CIB W099/W123 Conference ‘Digital Transformation of Health and Safety in Construction’
21 & 22 June 2023
Porto, Portugal

This is the final call for abstracts, for this year’s International Conference of CIB Working Groups W099 (Safety Health & Wellbeing in Construction) and W123 (People in Construction), hosted by the University of Porto, Portugal, 21 & 22 June 2023. Whilst the main theme of the conference is on the role of digital technology in improving construction health and safety, high quality abstracts on the usual W099/W123 subject matter is obviously welcomed. 

The abstract deadline has been extended by one week to Friday 3rd February. This will be the one and only extension. Please visit the conference website to view the conference topics and to submit an abstract:

Please be aware that the day after the conference end (23rd June) is Porto’s ‘Festival of St. John’, which will be a full day of street parties and celebrations ( This promises to be an excellent way to end the conference week, but you may wish to book travel and accommodation early. Please also remember to pack a ‘loud shirt’ which has become a conference tradition!

Any queries regarding the event should be directed to the event organisers:

Maria de Lurdes Lopes | Maria Amélia | Manuel Carvalho
+351 22 508 2190 / +351 22 041 3703