EUROSTRUCT Conference Padova 2021 – Special Sessions Call Deadline: 15 December 2020

EUROSTRUCT Conference Padova 2021 – Special Sessions Call Deadline: 15 December 2020

The 1st Conference of the European Association on Quality Control of Bridges and Structures – EUROSTRUCT2021 – will take place on from August 29 to September 1, 2021 at University of Padova, Italy. The conference aims at providing an international forum for promoting world wide exchange of knowledge and experience in quality control and improvement of bridges and structures. The Conference is thus targeted to attendees from academia and industry, who will have the opportunity to increase their network through a set of social events.

The conference proceedings will be indexed.


  • Increase knowledge of existing bridges and structures;
  • Discuss the topics of structural reliability, robustness, risk and resilience for existing bridges and structures;
  • Propose new methodologies and technologies for improving quality and sustainability of existing bridges and structures;
  • Support different stakeholders through the use of advanced tools on their decision process.


  • Testing and advanced diagnostic techniques for damage detection in existing bridges and structures;
  • Structural Health Monitoring and AI, IoT and Machine Learning for data analysis of existing bridges and structures;
  • Fiberoptics and smart sensors for long-term SHM of existing bridges and structures;
  • Structural reliability, risk, robustness, redundancy and resilience for existing bridges and structures;
  • Corrosion models, fatigue analysis and impact of natural and man-made hazards on infrastructure components of existing bridges and structures;
  • Bridge and Asset Management Systems, and decision-making models of existing bridges and structures;
  • Life-Cycle Analysis, retrofit and service-life extension, Risk Management Protocols of existing bridges and structures;
  • Quality Control Plans, sustainability, green materials of existing bridges and structures.

Key Dates

  • Abstract submission: November 30, 2020 EXTENDED: December 31, 2020
  • Abstract notification of acceptance: January 15, 2020
  • Full papers submission: March 15, 2021
  • Full paper notification of acceptance: April 15, 2021
  • Early bird & authors registration deadline: May 31, 2021
  • Conference: August 29 – September 1, 2021

Call for Special Sessions

Special Sessions organizers have the complete freedom to choose the topic of the session, within the general scope of EuroStruct 2021, and to invite at least five authors working in the field of the Special Session. Chairing and papers reviewing will be the responsibility of the organizers.

Special Sessions should include six standard invited lectures of 20 minutes duration including questions. Submission procedures and deadlines for the SS are the same that the general ones for the Conference. Authors submitting papers to the SS will be able to select the SS topic during the update of their abstract and papers.

Due to budget limitations, no financial support for the authors participating in the Special Sessions will be provided. However, a free registration can be offered to main organizers.

Special Sessions proposals must be sent to no later than December 15th, 2020 and must include:

  • Title;
  • Brief abstract of 5-10 lines about the Special Session topic;
  • Organizer name;
  • Co-organizer(s) name(s), if any.

Abstract Submission

All authors are invited to submit an abstract related to the conference themes.

Abstracts should be less than 500 words and will be evaluated through an online peer review system.

In order for papers to be included in the Conference Proceedings and the Technical Programme, authors must register until May 31, 2021.

All questions about submissions should be emailed to

More information here!
