The 5th President’s seminar series will be panel discussions with invited experts in their field discussing a given topic. The latest panel discussion is titled ‘The Role of Education for Advancing SDGs in the Built Environment’ and will be held on Friday 14th March at 11:30 EST.
Education is a key driver in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within the built environment. This panel, featuring CIB’s latest research, will explore how educational programs develop sustainability-focused skills (W089), workforce empowerment fosters sustainable construction (W123), net-zero education equips future builders for carbon-neutral goals (TG124), and legal knowledge strengthens construction practices.
Experts will discuss the importance of integrating sustainability principles into curricula, how workforce training can drive industry-wide transformation, and the role of legal education in responsible construction. Join us to examine how education can shape a resilient, knowledgeable, and sustainability-driven construction industry.
- Prof. Hal Knowles, University of Florida, US – W089 – Education in the Built Environment
- Prof. Fidelis Emuze, Central University of Technology, Free State, SA – W123 – People in Construction
- Prof. Sepani Senaratne, Western Sydney University, AU – TG124 – Net Zero Carbon Building Design and Construction Practices
- Mr. Jason Boffey, Mercer Thompson LLC, US