Design management in the digital era: challenges and opportunities – 20th October

This seminar is part of the CIB Presidential webinar series, “Women researchers in the built environment”

Recording of the seminar held on 20th October 2023

Event details

Digitizing building and civil engineering information can accelerate the construction industry through a more comprehensive design process, reducing mismatches, performing simulations (critical in assessing environmental sustainability requirements), predicting construction costs and enabling facilities management – to name a few possibilities. BIM (Building Information Modeling) is a methodology that allows project management to be more intuitive and integrated through a process based on interoperability, leading architects and engineers to work collaboratively. But how to disseminate digital technologies in a country with so many differences in terms of development and access to digital technologies?

This presentation aims to present the strategies adopted by the Brazilian Federal Government and the universities to disseminate BIM among professionals, and the recent advances in architecture and engineering training. The adoption of BIM implies not only a technical approach, but also the development of new skills. In this sense, it will be necessary to develop new mindsets and attitudes among professionals, and this process begins during graduation.


Monica Santos Salgado is a senior Professor at the Architecture Graduate Program at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Scientist of Our State of Carlos Chagas Foundation (FAPERJ) and Researcher of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). Visiting Professor at Parsons School of Design, USA., Postdoctoral fellow at the École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture in Toulouse-France; PhD in Production Engineering at COPPE – UFRJ and Master in Architecture at PROARQ FAU UFRJ, with specialization in Environmental management and work safety engineering (UFRJ) From 2016 to 2019 was the coordinator of the Architecture Graduate Program at UFRJ and Member of the Superior Council of UFRJ from 2015 to 2019. Since 1996 she has been the leader of GEPARQ-Research Group Project Management in Architecture, orienting master’s and doctoral research in technology, sustainability and BIM.
