19th-22nd May 2025, Purdue University, USA

The June meeting of the CIB Board was pleased to approve early decisions for the CIB World Building Congress 2025 (WBC2025), to be hosted by Purdue University on its West Lafayette campus in Indiana, USA, from 19th-22nd May 2025. Members are encouraged to diarise this week.
The conference co-chairs Makarand Hastak and Z Torbica propose to convene the Scientific Committee from August 2023, invitations to this committee have been issued to all Coordinators of CIB’s working commissions and task groups as well as all members in North America. Some other provisional dates for the World Building Congress to be aware of are as follows:
- November 2023: Invitation to submit abstracts
- February 2024: Deadline for abstract submission
- November 2024: Deadline for paper submission
- February 2025: Deadline for “camera-ready” papers
- February 2025: Early-bird registration deadline.
Any enquiries can be directed to the CIB secretariat at this stage.