CIB has launched a special fund for CIB Vistas Visiting Global Scholar Programme this year, in addition to the CIB Vistas Fund 2024.
Details of the CIB Vistas Programme 2024 are available here.
Overarching Goal
The overarching goal of the CIB Vistas Visiting Global Scholar Programme is to foster new relationships and collaborations between CIB Full and Associate Member researchers. This Programme seeks to prioritize UN Sustainable Development Goals, early career researchers, and collaborations between different continents and regions of the world.
The fund of $5,000 CAD is available to an individual from a CIB Full/Associate Member to visit a CIB Full/Associate Member. Funds are to be utilized for travel support for the Visiting only. Funds are not intended to be utilized as salary support or for equipment.
It is envisioned the researcher will be able to spend at least 7 – 15 business days at the host institution.
Dates of the visit should be between January 1, 2024, and September 30, 2024.
Award competition
The competition has 2 parts.
Part 1 – Host Institution
The award is open to Full and Associate Members to serve as the host institution. The institution’s CIB lead contact should send CIB a list of potential collaborative researchers, research teams, research centres, etc. along with a short description of their interests, and contact information. This will be used in Part 2 of the Award Competition for Individual Researchers to connect with the potential hosts and develop a proposal.
Each Full or Associate member willing to serve as host institution should limit the list of potential hosts to three potential collaborative researchers, research teams, research centres, etc. Research interests should be clearly linked to UN Sustainable Development Goals. This list and description will then be used to advertise interest to individual researchers.
Open from 1 November, 2023 – closing date extended to 31st December, 2023
Collaborating Host Institutions
Institutions which have so far indicated their interest in becoming a potential host include:
- Construction Work Health and Safety led by Distinguished Professor Helen Lingard
- Circular Economy Research Hub led by Professor Usha Iyer Raniga
- Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering led by Associate Professor Nora Johanne Klungseth
- Department of Architecture & Planning led by Associate Professor Morten Gjerde
Please make your application by sending the required application document(s) to the CIB programme manager, Dr Cheng Siew Goh by the deadline.
Part 2 – Visiting Scholar
The award is open to individual researchers from Full and Associate members to visit and collaborate with the list of potential collaborators in Part 1. Applicants must be early career researchers (rank of Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Assistant Professor, etc.) employed full-time at a CIB Full or Associate Member, and researchers with less than 7 years of experience from Research Institutes who are CIB Full or Associate Members. The award is not open to CIB Individual Members or students. Individuals should contact potential collaborators from the list generated in Part 1 above.
The submission should include a current CV, a verification of collaboration interest from the host institution (an email is fine), verification from the applicant’s Head of School, Dean, Department Chair, etc. of their support of the application (email is fine), and a maximum 2 page summary outlining the following:
- Applicant details (name, position, years of experience, institution, website, contact information)
- Host institution research partner contact (name, position, institution, website, contact information)
- Description of the collaboration
- Explanation of how the collaboration is new
- Explanation of how the Individual and the Host Institution will benefit
- Envisioned research output
- Proposed dates of the fellowship
Open from: 1 December 2023
Due Date: 31 December 2023
Award Announcement: January 2024
What is CIB looking for in the application
New Collaborations – CIB is interested in fostering new collaborations. Evidence that the applicant is a new collaboration is required.
Global Collaborations – CIB is interested in fostering global collaborations. Collaborations from different countries are required; collaborations from different continents and regions are preferred. Collaborations from within the same country will not be reviewed.
Type of collaborations – CIB is interested in all types of collaborations that result in some research output. Augmenting the visit with community and professional association lectures, and/or classroom/laboratory teaching, and student mentorship are viewed favorably.
Types of outputs – Clear commitment to submit a joint paper, resulting from this fellowship, to and attend the World Building Congress 2025 is required.
UN Sustainable Development Goals – A clear link to one or more of the UN SDG’s is required.