CIB Student Chapter of The University of Hong Kong wins Sebestyén Future Leaders Award

CIB Student Chapter of The University of Hong Kong wins Sebestyén Future Leaders Award

The CIB Student Chapter at the University of Hong Kong is the 2021 Sebestyén Future Leaders Award winner. Their project “An exploration of a resilient communication model for CIB connecting academics and industrial practitioners in COVID-19” aims to propose a prototype communication media model specifically tailored to the construction industry and the academics whose needs are multi-scaled demonstration, immersive information transmission and semi-formal networking. This new model was constructed with the purpose of enhancing visual and auditory perception and experience, triggering positive and efficient conversations between researchers and practitioners, as well as establishing semi-formal social connections. It would help rebuild a resilient and sustainable communication platform for linking the academics and industry people no matter in the COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 era.

CIB received four very strong applications all very worthy of funding indicating the renewed interest by the global network of Student Chapters. We thank our panel of judges for their review and comments.

Figure. Concept model