CIB Pulse Survey – Net Zero Results 2021

CIB Pulse Survey – Net Zero Results 2021

Researchers and educators are ahead of the industry and policy makers in focussing on the ‘net zero’ agenda, and Europe is ahead of the rest of the world. These were the findings of our latest quick ‘snapshot’ survey of members’ views which focused on the Net Zero agenda relating to carbon emissions. 52 people answered the following 5 questions using a 5-point Likert scale from Strongly Agree to Strongly


In your opinion or experience, based on your country of current residence:

  1. Net Zero is achievable by 2050
  2. The Net Zero agenda is prominent in the policy making agenda
  3. The Net Zero agenda is prominent in industry performance and delivery
  4. The Net Zero agenda is prominent in the research agenda
  5. The Net Zero agenda is prominent in higher education.

Statistically significant differences in replies led to the following conclusions:

  1. The Net Zero agenda is more prominent in higher education and the research agenda compared to industry performance and delivery (and policy-making).
  2. Europeans agreed with the statements about Net Zero more so than those outside of Europe.

Thank you to all those who replied and gave us some useful insight. As ever please let us have any ideas for future snapshots or this kind – and also ideas for growing the numbers of people responding.

Don Ward/Michael Behm
CIB, 20 April 2021