CIB Pulse – February 2021: Impact of Covid-19 on Sector Performance

CIB Pulse – February 2021: Impact of Covid-19 on Sector Performance

February’s quick survey of our members to ‘take the pulse’ and give insight into important issues affecting our members asked about the impact of the global pandemic on four aspects of performance in the construction and built environment sector. 50 Members responded using a 7-point Likert scale from Extremely Positive to Extremely Negative.

  • 20% reported positive impacts on Productivity whilst 68% were negative, a net negative differential of -48%.
  • For health, safety and well-being, a respectable 34% reported a positive level of impact but the net negative differential was -28%.
  • Environmental sustainability saw a net positive differential of 18% with 46% reporting a positive impact.
  • Unsurprisingly, Fiscal/economic sustainability was reported as worst hit, with 74% negative answers and a net negative differential of 54%.

There were no statistically significant differences in our analysis.

Look out for our next ‘Pulse’ survey in March, which will ask about the Importance of Publications. We encourage as many members as possible to circulate the survey around their colleagues, please also send us any ideas you may have for future surveys.

Don Ward/Michael Behm
CIB, 9 March 2021