CIB new seminar series in partnership with Purdue University

CIB is delighted to announce a new seminar/webinar series for members in partnership with Purdue University.

Purdue University campus

The series will feature Coordinators from many of CIB’s Working Commissions, and so far the following have been confirmed:

  • Michael Behm, CIB Programme Director – Introduction to CIB and the series
  • Fred Sherratt/Billy Hare, W099 – Safety Health & Wellbeing in Construction
  • Robert Amor, W078 – Information Technology for Construction
  • Michael Lacasse, TG97 – Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Resilient Buildings and Communities
  • Jeremy Gibberd, W116 – Smart and Sustainable Built Environments
  • Andrew Agapiou, W113 – Law and Dispute Resolution

We are most grateful to Makarand (Mark Hastak) who has organised the series for Purdue’s faculty and students in the Construction Engineering and Management area, and, as CIB President, he would like to offer this as a CIB seminar series to all our members.

The seminar will be held every Friday during the current semester from 11:30am to 12:20pm Eastern Standard Time. The event is accessible in person or by webinar, to register to attend please click here and you will receive a link. Attendance is free of charge.

The seminar is open to anyone around the world, and we particularly invite our members to encourage their students and colleagues to attend and take advantage of these valuable sessions on global research and advancements.

We hope you will enjoy the series and look forward to seeing you there and receiving your feedback. For general enquiries about the series please contact