Open Meeting of CIB Members – Impact of the Global Pandemic on Sector & Role in Society 14th September 2021

Open Meeting of CIB Members – Impact of the Global Pandemic on Sector & Role in Society 14th September 2021

Facilitate collaborative relationships amongst CIB members around the impact of the global pandemic on the sector and it’s role in society;

The purpose of this session is to facilitate collaborative relationships amongst CIB members around the impact of the global pandemic on the sector and its role in society.

The outcome may include the following:

• a thought leadership report based on the discussion,

• one or more CIB task groups to take forward work on topics where there is enough interest amongst our members,

• other outputs to be suggested by members.

Possible topics of interest may include the impact on what we build, how we build it, how we train and educate, and the future research agenda. All of CIB’s Commissions focus on topic of relevance so the scope is incredibly wide. To start with we plan the event to feature a short introduction and then to break into 3-5 parallel streams depending on the issues identified by those who attend.

The date and time of the workshop is as follows: Wednesday 14th September 2021, 07:00-09:00 Eastern Time (13:00-15:00 CEST). To register interest in attending please email us if you cannot make this date but would be interested in future involvement, so that you receive all the regular updates.

We are aware of interest from many members in this topic, and invite you to send us links to already published material that you think we and the workshop should be aware of. Please send to us at this email, we will then compile a list for the benefit of all participants. We will also issue a simple poll ahead of the session to all those who register interest to get initial feedback on the topics which people would like to discuss, so that we can focus the discussion in the parallel sessions. Depending on the level of response we may also use a Slack channel to enable online discussion.

Finally, we would like to invite anyone who would like to contribute to the planning to volunteer so we can arrange a planning meeting in say late August/early Sept. This will help us identify people who would be prepared to lead a breakout session or a new Task Group.

Please contact the Secretariat to register now!