CIB General Assembly held 25th June 2024 

The annual meeting of the CIB General Assembly was held as a hybrid in person and online meeting on June 25th. Twenty eight Full, Associate and Individual members were represented, and the following business was conducted: 

  • Adoption of the minutes of the 2023 General Assembly  
  • Presentation of the annual report, which is incorporated within the new brochure to commemorate seventy years of CIB 
  • Approval of the audited Financial Report 2023, available here  
  • Receipt of the report of the 2023 Committee of Examination  
  • Approval of CIB Membership Fees for 2025  
  • Appointment of Huub Keizers of TNO to replace Peter Rasker as a Board member for the remainder of the current triennium 
  • Amendment of Byelaw VI.4 on Coordination of Commissions to specify that new Coordinators shall be from Full or Associate member organisations, not Individual members. 

Any enquiries regarding the CIB General Assembly or about this report should be addressed to Don Ward, CIB chief executive.