- Bruno Daniotti, Politecnico di Milano, Italy (picture)
- Michael Lacasse, NRC, Canada (picture)
- Jorge Manuel de Brito, IST, Portugal (picture)

Objectives and Scopes:
The Commission aims to help ensure sustainable building practices and its intended purpose is to provide building (construction) industry practitioners with the most recent advances in respect to methods for service life prediction (SLP) and the design for durability of building materials, components and assemblies. In this context the Commission is focused on the prediction of service life of building materials, components and assemblies in respect to:
- Informing on the state-of-the-art for SLP by: identifying existing systematic methods for SLP, and; proposing improvements of existing and recommendations for new methods.
- Actively disseminating knowledge of SLP through delivery of CIB publications and in support of the international conference on “Durability of Building Materials and Components” (DBMC) held triennially since 1978.
Commission activities forming part of the Work Programs include:
- Providing information on and enhancing existing methods for: the factorial method of SLP, Stochastic methods and reliability-based approaches to SLP, material and component specific SLP methods, design for durability of building (construction) materials, components and assemblies and damage and dose-response functions as are used for SLP
- Undertaking collaborative projects within the broad community that encompasses both the research and practitioner domains and that help foster the use of SLP methods and methods for design for durability of building components and assemblies.
- Actively participating in standards development initiatives that foster extending the use of SLP methods
- Actively supporting the dissemination of knowledge of SLP through support of the DBMC Conference.
Current Work Programme:
- Development of a Research Roadmap on the Prediction of Service Life of Building Materials, Components and Assemblies (contact: Bruno Daniotti)
- Further development and maintenance of an interoperable database for SLP (contact: Bruno Daniotti)
- Developing a Guide for Design for Durability of Wall Assemblies (contact: Michael Lacasse)
- Publishing a State-of-the-Art Report on Conceptualization of SLP defining the concept and establishing criteria for the end of Service Life
- Developing a Guide on on the Factor Method as a General Framework for Service Life Prediction; intended to boost the use of this method by practitioners (contact: Jorge de Brito)
Planned Output:
- Interoperable database
- 2021: Research Roadmap on the Prediction of Service Life of Building Materials, Components and Assemblies
- 2021: State-of-the-Art Report on Conceptualization of SLP
- 2021: Guide for Design for Durability of Wall Assemblies
- 2021: Guide on on the Factor Method for practitioners

Internal Structure:
The work of this Commission is facilitated by its Secretary, Dr. Ana Filipa da Silva, of the Instituto Superior Técnico, at the University of Lisbon, PT
External Relations:
The Commission has a Liaison with ISO TC59/SC14 Design Life of Buildings ISO – ISO/TC 59/SC 14 – Design life
Members of this Commission have to be either a Representative of a CIB Member Organisation or an Individual CIB Member.