
  • Prof Dr Ir Henk Visscher, Delft University of Technology, OTB, The Netherlands
  • Prof Dr Edwin H W Chan, Hong Kong Politechnic University, China

Objectives and Scopes:

There is a need to broaden the scope of research worldwide related to building regulation and control and especially for more extensive comparative research involving a greater number of actors form across the globe. The urgent need to address climate change and its relationship with the built environment adds an imperative to this work due to the increasing role that building regulation and control must perform in achieving reductions of CO2 emissions from buildings. Against this background the Task Group will bring together leading experts internationally and will undertake a genuinely comparative study of national building regulations and control regimes in the face of world wide climate change.

The Task Group objectives are:

  • to establish within CIB the primary international academic research network for building regulations and control and related policy evaluation in the face of climate change
  • to act as a valuable resource for CIB Members and the broader research community
  • to provide an overview of the state of building regulations and building control and the related policies to address climate change across a number of countries world wide
  • to identify developments in terms of division of tasks between public and private parties
  • to identify developments caused by the impact of climate change on building regulatory systems and systems of building control
  • to conduct and publish a comparative analysis of these areas.

Current Work Programme:

The Task Group will cooperate with and will have meetings in conjunction with CIB conferences as are being organised by Working Commissions W113 on Law and Dispute Resolution and W108 on Climate Change and the Built Environment and by Task Group TG66 on Energy and the Built Environment.

The task Group work program includes:

  • to establish an international research group
  • to review law and literature worldwide in an interdisciplinary way, drawing upon science, building processes and disparate regulatory disciplines
  • to publish about the situation in various countries and about the outcome of international analyses
  • to produce a final publication outlining the state-of-development worldwide that inform legislators, actors in the building process and governments.

Planned Output:

  • 2017: publication of a special issue of the journal BRI on: Building Governance an Climate Change: Regulation and related Policies.
  • 2019: publication of a Research Roadmap on Climate Change and Building Regulations and Control


Members of the Task Group are appointed representatives of CIB Member Organisations or Individual CIB Members


TG79 was established in April 2010 and has an initial mandate until the middle of 2013, which has been extended to the end of 2019.