Changes in the CIB secretariat

We are sorry to report that Goh Chien Siew is to leave the CIB secretariat team with effect from mid February.

Goh Cheng Siew

We thank Goh for her efforts and for her positive attitude in a challenging role. Many CIB Coordinators, members and Board members have interacted with her and found her professional, personable and effective. We have written to her Head of Department at Northumbria University to thank them for ‘lending’ us such a talented individual and commending her work for us. We wish her every success in the future and hope that the experience gained with CIB will stand her in good stead as her career develops.

Sina Moradi will continue to work in the CIB secretariat as Programme Manager reporting to Theo Haupt, Programme Director, and will take over responsibility for supporting the Working Commissions and Task Groups as well as his existing activities with the Student Chapters and ECR (Early Career Researchers) network.