Don Ward gave a keynote presentation on the theme of global trends and innovation in construction at the Bygherreforningen Clients’ Festival. The event was held in Copenhagen to mark the 25th anniversary of the organisation, which translates as the Danish Association of Construction Clients.

The structural challenges facing the construction sector on a global level are the same, just in different contexts, and sustainable transition needs to be coupled with the opportunities of increased digitalization enabled by greater collaboration. He cited many examples from national development initiatives and international research to emphasise the importance of the client.
“The intelligent client thinks about value creation in a broad sense, where it is linked to the need to contribute to environmental and social sustainability. By taking active leadership in driving collaboration and introducing new technology into the projects, the developer helps both themselves and society. The client thus contributes to more innovation in our industry, and that is really needed.”
He also pointed out the importance of construction clients learning from each other in relation to the innovative solutions and ideas on construction. The prize on offer is better, cheaper and faster projects.
He concluded by saying that the built environment sector is key to progress against most of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, and that clients and the industry should adopt a mission to deliver against the SDGs.

Don, pictured here with Graves Simonsen, Head of Sustainability at Bygherreforeningen/ Danish Association of Construction Clients, would like to thank the officers and staff of Bygherreforningen for their warm welcome and hospitality.