Call for Papers: ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering Special Collection on Workforce Development and Support

Call for Papers: ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering Special Collection on Workforce Development and Support

Workforce Development and Support in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) Industry

Topics for the special collection

This special collection calls for studies that provide insights into strategies, measures, and practices concerning workforce development and support (at both manual and professional levels) in the AEC industry. Research topics that will be considered include, but are not limited to:

  1. What strategies and measures at the industry, organisational and workplace levels could ensure that workers in the ACE industry are adequately skilled and competent?H
  2. How to improve the effectiveness of workforce training (e.g., apprenticeship, work task training, on‐the‐job training) in the AEC industry? How do we adapt workforce training programs to serve the culturally diverse population in construction workplaces?
  3. What is the role of technology in supporting skill development? How is the fit between individuals, tasks, technology and the environment considered in the application of technological solutions?
  4. How to successfully attract new entrants to the AEC industry? How to support the transition of a new workforce into the industry and improve their retention?
  5. How to support the healthy aging of older workers? What measures could be taken to enhance the well‐being of the aging workforce?
  6. How to support the skill development of migrant workers and their well‐being? How to overcome specific challenges such as cultural and institutional barriers?
  7. What changes are required at the industry, organisational and workplace levels to create a supportive environment and subsequently achieve improved well‐being, work ability and productivity of the workforce in the AEC industry?

Please find the attached Call for Papers for more details.

Special issue editors

Submission Information

Interested authors should first submit extended abstracts (a maximum of 800 words) summarizing their proposed submission to the Guest Editors (by email) by December 31, 2022. The Guest Editors will review the submitted abstracts and invite the submissions of full manuscripts for the selected papers soon thereafter. The submission and review of the full manuscripts will be in accordance with the Journal of Management in Engineering’s regular peer review processes. However, the authors can submit the abstract/full paper before the deadline as well if they wish. The paper will be published as soon as it is accepted for publication, without waiting for other papers to be published.

more details: here