BIM Teaching and Learning Handbook
Implementation for Students and Educators

BIM Teaching and Learning Handbook<br>Implementation for Students and Educators

We would like to draw your attention to our new book Research Companion to Building Information Modeling published by Edward Elgar (EE) and available on their website.  Further details are available  from:

1)     The book’s information page on EE’s website:

2)       The official online ebook version is available at:

We hope that you will find the book useful.

Professor Wilson W.S. Lu   Professor, Department of Real Estate and Construction,  Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Architecture  7/F, Knowles Building,  The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong  Tel: +852 3917 7981  Fax: +852 2559 9457  Email: [email protected]  Web:  Professor Chimay J. Anumba   Dean and Professor College of Design, Construction and Planning University of Florida Gainesville FL 32611 Tel: +1-352-294-1405; Fax: +1-352-392-7266 Email: [email protected]; Web: