Newsletter – 2

Newsletter – 2

Welcome to our second newsletter of 2022, and you will see below updates on a number of areas of CIB’s programme. In particular I want to draw your attention to the latest news on WBC2022, the World Building Congress to be hosted by RMIT in Melbourne from June 27th – 30th 2022.

In January the Board issued a clear statement that it would continue to plan for a hybrid conference, ie face-to-face with an online attendance option. Since that decision Australia has opened its borders to international visitors to most states including Victoria and New South Wales, and many countries have eased pandemic-related restrictions on travel. So we are ever more optimistic that when the Board next meets in mid-March it will be able to confirm the format and give people enough time still to register for the Early Board attendance rate (until March 31st) and to start booking their flights and accommodation.

Meanwhile, for those who submitted papers, RMIT has confirmed that of the  435 papers submitted, 116 papers have been accepted, and 311 papers accepted with revisions required. Authors and re-reviewers are now asked to complete their work as quickly as possible, revised papers are due by March 22nd with reviews due by March 27th so that authors can be notified of the outcome in time for the ‘early bird’ registration date I mentioned above. Many thanks to Ron Wakefield, Erin Mellencamp and their team at RMIT, and all the reviewers who have worked so conscientiously. I am delighted that the outlook is so positive in terms of us all convening face-to-face in late June. I look forward to seeing you all!

Don Ward