Smart Construction Conference & Expo 2022,15 & 16 February 2022, Dubai

Smart Construction Conference & Expo 2022,15 & 16 February 2022, Dubai

The Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure recently launched the National Guide for Smart Construction containing key elements which are necessary for all parties to improve construction processes. This thought leadership initiative is designed to drive the UAE’s AEC sector into a new era of construction.

Organized in partnership with Centre of Excellence in Smart Construction at Heriot Watt University, this unprecedented leading industry event will explore these industry guidelines. Presentations will demonstrate how they will improve efficiency, cost, and sustainability, and include real case study applications of smart construction processes that will create significant benefits for the industry and all stakeholders.

Presentations will be made by government and academic organizations that are driving this initiative, and private sector organizations that are leaders in smart sustainable construction. Panel sessions and workshop will discuss and explore the key elements in depth.