CIB Newsletter Update

CIB Newsletter Update

End of September saw the latest meetings of the Scientific Committee and the Programme Committee for the World Building Congress 2022. Optimism is growing that RMIT will be able to host this as a face-to-face conference in Melbourne in June 2022, and the excitement is genuinely building as so many people are desperate to get back together for the networking, ideas sharing and comradeship that the Congress provides for the global network of researchers in our sector. Make sure it’s inked in your diary. As a measure of interest, the call for papers resulted in 614 abstract submissions being accepted, and the winner of the Abstract Competition was Karen Botes, whose entry can be read here. Congratulations Karen – and like everyone else, now you have a deadline of December 17th for submission of the full paper!

Finally, this next version of our monthly newsletter will have a new look with a more reader-friendly format which gives a short summary of each story so you can get a quick overview of the latest news and events and decide which articles to click on to read more. No matter how good the format, the level of interest in our communications will always be driven by the content we receive from Members, Coordinators, Student Chapters etc. There is so much going on, so please don’t be shy in sending in your news items, promotion of future events, or opinion blogs about issues of the day.

Don Ward

CIB Chief Executive

September 2021”