
Dr Andrew Ross, Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Dr Serkan Kivrak, Anadolu University, Turkey

Objectives and Scopes:

The Task Group focusses on:

  • understanding the potential for wearable and sensor technology during the construction and use of built environment assets.
  • development of human computer interfaces that improve the health and safety and efficiency of the construction process
  • multi-disciplinary approach to the communication of visual and aural information by sensors to wearable technology to influence human behaviour in the construction and use of built environment assets
  • The scope of the Task Group is limited to the housing, building and infrastructure, design construction and asset management sectors.
  • The potential to translate findings into other sectors will be of particular interest to government agencies and firms making significant investments in wearable and sensor technology for construction and asset management. Examples may include organisations with a significant property portfolio, manufacturing companies and service providers. This will be achieved through analysis at the level of the project, firm and industry, brought together through assimilating buildings and infrastructure case studies across the international industry research partners.

Current Work Programme:

The Task Group Work programme includes:

  • industry-focussed international case studies
  • development of guidelines for wearable technology
  • development of a research roadmap in support of the worldwide development and implementation of sensor and wearable technology in property and construction.
  • The Task Group will have annual in-situ meetings in conjunction with the annual meetings of CIB Commission W078 on IT in Construction. In addition the Task Group will have regular online meetings.

Planned Output:

  • 2015 – Task Group Designated website
  • 2016 – publication of an industry-focussed CIB report on sensor and wearable technologies
  • 2017 – publication of an industry-focussed book on sensor and wearable technologies
  • 2017 – publication of a research roadmap on sensor and wearable technologies


Members of the Task Group have to be either Individual Member of CIB or appointed representative of a CIB Organisational Member.


The Task Group has been established in march 2015 and has a mandate until the end of 2017.