Third-Party Funding Strategy

Third-Party Funding Strategy

A third meeting of the short-life task group on third-party funding on October 5th has finalised a proposed strategy for the Board to approve at its meeting in October. Recently appointed Vice President Mark Hastak has chaired the group.

The starting point is that CIB’s Commissions and Student Chapters have plenty of ideas and aspirations for new activities and outputs which require funding. There is no shortage of great ideas, but most cannot be afforded from a budget which consists only of revenue from membership subscriptions. Priority targets for discussion to see how we might diversify and grow our income include the United Nations and global charitable foundations as well as leading industry companies, for whom it is felt a value proposition can be developed which enables them to invest particularly in our programmes which support the development of students and early-career researchers. Members can expect to hear more after the Board meeting on October 19th-20th, which is expected to confirm the continuation of the task group as a CIB sub-committee. Anyone interested to support this work for the CIB by joining the sub-committee, reviewing the strategy, priority targets, and value propositions, or with ideas which they would like to contribute, please contact the secretariat.

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