PhD position – Probabilistic Digital Twin (PDT)

PhD position – Probabilistic Digital Twin (PDT)

CIB has received the following notice for a PhD position on probabilistic digital twin (PDT) from Michael Havbro Faber of Aalborg University.

This is to announce that Dario La Mazza (from Sacertis – an Italian specialized company in structural health monitoring), Maria Pina Limongelli (from Polytechnical University of Milan) and Michael Havbro Faber of Aalborg University have one PhD position to offer for a student with an interest in the formulation, implementation and testing of what we now refer to as a Probabilistic Digital Twin (PDT). The PhD project is part of BRIDGETISE, an EU Marie Sklodowska-Curie ITN project together with a total of 16 PhD students and a broad spectrum of research and development institutions across Europe.  

The PDT is intended for use for integrity management of bridge structures. The idea is to establish not only a mechanical representation of a bridge (FEM) that is “calibrated” to correspond to measured response characteristics of the real bridge but rather to establish a detailed probabilistic model, to use it as means for understanding the value of measures response characteristics from the real bridge, and then to use such measurements as means for updating the probabilistic model – resulting in the PDT.

The Project

The project will involve structural mechanics, probabilistic modeling, Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), integrity management, Big Data analysis, supervised learning, and more related interesting topics that for sure will evolve during the PhD project.

The project constellation is quite unique and offers a rare opportunity to collaborate with both industry and academia together with a group of 16 PhD student working on other strongly related aspects of bridge integrity management.

During the project, the PhD student will have stays in Italy with Polytechnical University of Milan and the specialist consulting firm Sacertis (where also Professor Mancini is engaged) and a stay in Denmark with the consulting firm NORTH Consulting (where I am engaged).  

We are looking for PhD students that first and foremost have a strong interest in the project topic, and a relevant background relative to the topic. It would be an advantage with good programming skills in e.g. Phyton and MatLab and also some basic training in use of FEM software systems for structural analysis such as e.g. SAP2000 or similar.   

If you know any potential PhD student that might match the above – then please do not hesitate to contact us with an e-mail to:

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

More information can also be found on:

Specifically, the open position is related to the DC8-TWINS research project.


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